Praise God: A Great Day!!

Prayers were answered on Sunday! As the day progressed, Christi continued to feel better and better - only needing one nap. She wanted to go ice skating in Fremont Sunday night so we called her teacher (and our good friend) to see if she could join us. (Her teacher has many talents - and they include ice skating!) Unfortunately, Mrs. Smith couldn't make it, but that was probably best as once we arrived we learned that the rink was closed because their zambone was broken. (And the girls had so much fun with that name we were still rhyming words with it on the way to school this morning!) "The zambone started throwing out balongna."
Today was a FABULOUS day! Her eyes only hurt a little bit and no headaches she said. She attended a FULL day of school (without sleeping in Mr. Smith's chair!) went to Girl Scouts after school, sat through an hour of my cheerleaders' ball game waiting for Shayne to pick her up and then went to an hour long gymnastics class. Whew! Thanks for lifting her up in prayer!
Another brave little NBIV relapsed girl who just finished her second round of this same hu14.18 - IL 2 trial could really use your prayers. She's currently in ICU for problems which developed during her third day of the treatment. Her website is:
I'll post tomorrow after her blood counts are checked. (I'm quite nervous about the LDH level.) With Christi now feeling better, so are we!! Praise be to God!!
I'm so happy to hear you felt like skating! I'm praying for your blood counts.
Ok, so you probably already thought of these, but here's a few more rhymes.
Tromboney(you know, a lot like a trombone, but different)
My friend Tony
Glad you're feeling better sweetie.
Love you!
YIPEE!! So glad to hear that Chrisit is feeling so much better. That's great news and a super way to start my day with a great big smile on my face. :)
Sorry you couldn't go ice skating since the rink was closed, now that's something I could never master.
I'll be praying for great blood counts and a much lower LDH level today.
I'll be sure to check in on your friend Madlyn and include her in my prayers as well.
Much Love, many prayers and HOPE!!
I love you all!
Hi Christi! I'm sorry you've been feeling yucky but I'm glad you're on the mend! You are such a sweet little girl. I was wondering if your mommy could post your address for your Feb 6 stay at CHOP so I can send something up there for you!
Love and Prayers
Hi sweet Christi! I'm sorry you've been feeling yucky but I'm glad you're feeling better now! You are such a kind, strong, smart little girl! I was wondering if your mommy could post your address at CHOP for your Feburary 6th stay so I could send you something for you to open when you get there!
Love and Prayers from down South,
I am so excited about this new blog. I have been following Christi's story for quite a long time now, and have been hoping for a guest book. Please know that I have been praying for Christi since the day I came upon the website and continue to do so.
Hey Christi!
So happy to see that you have your very own blog where we can leave you comments and happy notes and say things like "I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better!!" You are such an amazing girl :O)
God Bless YOU!
I'm so excited about this new blog!
That stinks you couldn't skate the other night...I love my Fremont. *smiles* We'll have to meet out there sometime, I haven't skated in years!
Glad you are feeling better Christi!!!! Crossing fingers and praying for a low LDH!
Glad your feeling better Christi, we are crossing our fingers that you feel better and better each day.
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