Christmas Eve
We are trying really hard not to let it hit us that it is Christmas Eve. To admit the fact, would be entirely too hard. Despite wanting to hop on a plane to try to escape, we stayed here at home as we promised Shayla last year we would, but it feels like it is killing us. I am so glad Shayne took the day off work - something he was rarely able to do when he worked at a bank. I really need him here today. Shayla and I will do some baking so that we can set out some cookies and milk for Santa - a family tradition now so hard without Christi. Shayla deserves to have a wonderful Christmas, despite how sad mom and dad are. We owe that to her! She continues to be the light of our lives, so compassionate, sweet, thoughtful and loving. We are truly blessed!
Great pics. All the best for the holiday season. Thinking of you all and remembering Christi always.
Shanye and Angela: Thanks for so much still sharing your lives with us - when Christi lived and after.
I wish you a merry Chrismas, thanks for sharing these pictures with us you don't know how much I enjoy to see new pictures of Christi.
With love,
Merry Christmas Thomas Team.
Although I cannot begin to imagine your pain and sadness today, please know that so many people are thinking of you and praying for the strength you need to get through the holidays. Having lost an Aunt on Christmas Day my family has since decided to hold each Christmas in honor of her, which has made it much easier to go through the motions. She would have wanted that, as Christi would want you to celebrate the holidays for her, the same way you would have if she was still here. Remember that she is only as far away from you as your hearts will let her wonder. Keep her close enough to help you along the way and rest assured she will be there.
Merry Christmas!
Angela and Shayne,
Christmas is a magical time of the year that celebrates all that is good - as I am sure you know.
My inlaws lost the youngest of their three boys one Easter Saturday many years ago. Over the years, I have watched my husband struggle through all holidays without his parents. They found it too difficult to celebrate without their little one. We even let them take our children on a long cruise over a Christmas and New Year - a most difficult decision - hoping that being with the children would give them reason to enjoy the holidays again. It didn't work.
I am so glad you all are continuing with your traditions so that Shayla may never know the feelings I have seen my husband and his brother try to cope with all these years.
At some point, I do pray you will allow yourself to truly enjoy the season again - that your memories become healing rather than painful.
Children who have lost a sibling have such a struggle holding on the their parents and the world they embrace.
Thinking of you all during these difficult holidays. I know how difficult they can be. Please know you're in my thoughts and prayers.
Love & hugs to you all,
Thinking of You and Wishing You Peace, Joy, and Comfort This Christmas Season! God Bless!
Love~Hugs~Prayers from S.C.
Hello to the Thomas Team,
It's 2.25am hre in England. I'm finding it tough to sleep. Funny how it is that when I'm upset or worried Christi and her family come into my mind and things somehow seem easier.
I can't imagine how much you must miss Christi every single day and how much days like today magnify that pain no matter how hard you all try to carry on as she would want you to - I miss the little angel and I didn't know her in person.
Anyway, I just wanted (again!) to wish you all the happiest Christmas possible and with your permission to send some hugs to heaven to be caught by a very speical little angel who hopefully can see just what an impact her life has had upon so many other people & hopefulkly hte same little angel will be having the best fun that she can.
Love to you all as ever...
Nicky (England)
I'm thinking back to Christmas 2005
with Christi wrapped in a box, jumping out and hugging mommy! What an amazing gift she will always be! The poem she read was simply precious. The bond you and your amazing Christi share will last forever! Love and miss you Christi!
I pray you're able to get through the day the best you can and smile remembering back at the 9 precious Christmas' you had to enjoy with Christi physically by your side. I look forward to seeing Shayla's sweet smile light up in pictures from Christmas morning!
I wish you all a healthy and happy 2008!
I hope and pray that you can find joy in the Christmas Day, not just for Shayla but for yourselves. I read somewhere that 'happiness is a choice', I have tried very hard to live by this since losing my husband - some days is works better than others but I'm positive Christi wouldn't want you to be having a hard time over the holidays, after all she is at the best party of all with Our Father in Heaven. So I pray that you can unwrap gifts, eat Christmas dinner, enjoy a Christmas Mass and celebrate a wonderful day as our Faith expects. Love and prayers for you all.
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