Tuesday's Blood Counts - Soaring LDH!!!

Although her eyes are still "puffy" she had no complaints of pain before school today so thankful was I that Little Miss Christi returned for a second full day (Praise God!). After school she told me that her legs were hurting a little bit. (Yes, setting "fear" into this cancer parent's mind!)
Today's blood counts were drawn out of her mediport after school at the hospital. I thought all was well and she went off to her two hours of dance lessons - until I got the hospital's call while she was at dance lessons. My heart dropped when discovering the LDH number. I said, "Oh no!" They responded, "Yes, we've already notified Philadelphia."
hgb. 11.0
platelets 150 (Praise God - she's still in this fight!!)
ANC 2,100
white 5.1
LDH (The "activity of cancer cells" one) 908 (highest ever!) Normal 100-190. It's DOUBLED since her original diagnosis - 9/2002. My heart is heavy and my stomach queasy. I will hopefully hear Dr. Maris's thoughts by morning. I remember him specificially telling me not to be concerned if the LDH was elevated soon after treatment, but now it's Day #14. Ugh! I'm scared!
AST 61 (15-37 normal liver functions) I think we're okay here now.
ALT 58 (30-65 normal liver functions)
PHOTOS TAKEN: After school today (1/24/06) at the hospital and tonight at jazz and ballet class. Doesn't she look smashing?!! She FINALLY feels GREAT too. (1/16/06) at Grandma and Grandpa's in Florida where Christi was so happy that Nonee was able to sew the ribbons and elastic on her first pair of pointe shoes. Tonight at class, they learned how to tape their toes, to wrap them with lamb's wool and to tie the ribbons. Christi was THRILLED!
PRAYER REQUEST: That tonight's LDH number not be an accurate indicator of the aggressiveness of Christi's cancer. Lord, hear our prayers.
Hi Christi,
I loved the pictures of you dancing *love that smile*, and i am so glad you feel like doing all of those things. :-) Ice skating is always fun!
Many prayers!! I'm so sorry to hear of the increased LDH level. May this not be an indication of the agressivness of the cancer.
Christi- Love your dance pictures sweetheart! You look GORGEOUS!! Can't wait to see and hear more about the pointe shoes. :)
Lots of Love, Many Prayers and HOPE!
Hi Thomases all-
I love the blog! I haven't shown Ruby, yet, but she is going to love having so many new, great pictures of Christi to look at.
I hope Dr Maris is already on the phone with you all and has soothing news. Keep breathing friends... easy slow breathing...
Love from Baltimore.
I am praying for Christi!
Still praying hard. Been thinking of you all day. Hope Christi had a good day at school. :)
Much Love!
I love those pictures! The second one is beautiful.
Oh how I'm praying that LDH level is not an indictation of anything....
I loved seeing the new dance pictures posted. Also glad to hear that she was able to attend school. I also love how you can post comments on your blogs..very cool!!!Say hi to Shayla too!
:) erin
I'm a little late commenting on this one, but I just had to tell you how much I LOVE your dance pictures, you look so beautiful. You don't know me personally of course, but I work at a dance studio here in Ky and we all wanted you to know that the competition group at TSDC is praying for you! :O) Hope you're feeling better sweetie!
God Bless!
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