This blog is to help offer support to the Thomas Family and their daughter, Christi, in her battle against cancer. Please visit Christi's website at to learn more. There, you'll find journals, photos and a lots of other information about this amazing child and her family.
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Well, despite my previous post, I was not able to get that video uploaded properly. Wonderful "Webby" to the rescue (again)! Thanks, Eric!
Despite Shayla telling me a few days ago, "The show must go on; there are paying customers," the sold out school musical was cancelled for both Friday and Saturday nights and rescheduled for two shows on Sunday. Yet another snow storm roared in on Friday and there are to be blizzard conditions today. Shayla handled the news very well and I think because she got home from the 5PM dress rehearsal after 10PM on Thursday night, we were all happy to just go to bed early.
REMINDER: Heidelberg College Junior Education Majors
Shayne was to compete in the Arnold Schwarzenegger “Pump & Run” competition over the weekend in Columbus, so Shayla and I left straight from school on Friday for my sister and brother-in-law’s home. We had a great weekend and it was a wonderful way to end Shaylauary. It continues to break my heart that she no longer has a sister to play with and I am so grateful she has awesome cousins who bring her so much joy! Shayne did a fabulous job in the competition and it is wonderful he takes such great care of his health! It was great to all be back together again on Sunday!