Response from Dr. Maris

It was a sleepless night! Now that I look back at her eyes & face during her treatment, I see that things are better now.
I called CHOP during my lunch break today and spoke with Nurse Practitioner, Pat Brophy who calmed me down about the LDH and the "eye thingy" after telling me that they studied the photos I sent of Christi's eye.
Sweet, sweet parents on our NBlistserv support group sent me pics of their children with their oribtal involvement and many "pointers". (THANK YOU!)
The following is the email from Dr. Maris which also makes me breathe again!
"Hi! While I will never pretend that these sort of things do not concern me, I think it is very, very likely that the LDH is directly related to theIL2. LDH is definitely known to go up after IL2. I also think her eyepuffiness is IL2 related. Obviously, if these things do not get better,we can consider doing tests before her next infusion, but I am veryhopeful that this will all go away in the next week or so. Give Christi our best wishes."
So we shall have her counts checked again next week and we shall pray that the LDH is normal and that her eyes "calm down". She had another great day at school and will soon be heading out to CCD (relgion class) which she just loves too!
glad Dr maris helped you breath a little easier. hoping this is all treatment related and that this is the one tho drive the beast away.
love to you all,
I'm glad that you are feeling calmer and that Dr. Maris was able to give you some words of encouragement.
I'll be praying that the eyes will resolve and for a normal LDH level next week.
Hope you enjoyed CCD Christi- I love my bible study too and hate to have to miss it.
Much love,many prayers and HOPE!!
I love you all!
Protect Me, O Lord
Protect me, O Lord,
My boat is so small,
And your sea is so big.
-Author Unknown; Ancient Breton prayer.
Praying the LDH and eye problems are treatment related and that both go down. I hope you have fun at CCD class Christi! I'm a Sunday school teacher and LOVE to hear how much students enjoy their religion classes!
Still thinking of you and praying without ceasing. Please give Christi a big hug for me:) I'm so glad that she's feeling well enough to enjoy doing her favorite things. She's one tough kiddo!
Big ((((hugs)))) & prayers,
PS: The blob was an AWESOME idea!! Way to go webby:)
Hi Christi and Family,
I have been following your journey for a while now. Just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you here in South Dakota. Congrats on your new ballet shoes. My daughter is in dance also it is a neat activity.
Take Care and God Bless,
We are praying and rooting for you,
Checking in on you from Pennsylvania. Christi, I am in awe of your strength and beauty. You have to be the strongest person I have ever heard of. I won't stop praying for you as you rebound from your last treatment and pray the next one won't be as hard on you. Keep Fighting are AWESOME!!!
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