Support For Christi Thomas

This blog is to help offer support to the Thomas Family and their daughter, Christi, in her battle against cancer. Please visit Christi's website at to learn more. There, you'll find journals, photos and a lots of other information about this amazing child and her family.

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Monday, May 08, 2006

Changed my Mind!

Little Miss Shayla is now seven and since she's been wanting her ears pierced for a very long time, Shayne and I agreed to her request yesterday. (We're also suffering terrible guilt knowing how Shayla's birthday was terribly overlooked due to Christi's cancer progressing rapidly at the same exact time in February and how Christi's birthday will be all the hoopla this weekend.) After school we set off. Shayla picked out a darling starter pair of earring and was very excited......until the gun (or needle-thiny or whatever it's called) was placed upon her ear, then she got scared and said she didn't want her ears pierced any more. (Yes, I was pretty embarassed!) As we walked away from the store, the sweet little thing held my hand and said, "Mommy, I'm sorry I couldn't do it. You're right. I should wait until I'm ten."

Christi's blood counts were drawn from her arm early this morning at the hospital and we're happy that she has a white count (ability to fight infection). I was also happy that her LDH (measures tumor activity) is the lowest it's ever been at our local hospital. We give praise to the Lord!

LDH: 185, normal 100-190
white 2.4 (low)
hgb. 9.6 (low)
ANC 1200
platelets 24 (very low)

NP Pat Brophy called from CHOP to tell me that Christi should have her platelets transfused tomorrow because at that low number they're probably the transfused ones and not her own. I explained that I have my OSU class tomorrow night and Shayne and I thought since they were above 20 we'd get her counts checked again on Wednesday and then transfuse after school. Pat felt that that was a good plan as by Wednesday it'll give us a much better indication of what are really her counts anyway. I just want to get her all set to have a "needle free" ninth birthday weekend!

Some of you have inquired how Christi can be so car sick, yet love the wild and crazy rides at amusement parks. We don't know either, but she's been like that since she was two. (Shayne and I are just the opposite: fine in the car, but a little shaky on the rides!)


At 8/5/06 9:21 PM, Blogger thonmom06 said...

Well Miss don't fret none (shhhh...don't let mommy know I'm using such proper English!) I can remember my friend taking her daughter to have her ears pierced when she was only 4 yrs old.... and guess what???...she walked around for the next couple years with only one ear pierced! : ) I have a video of Michele having her ears pierced (both at one shot!) along with my friend's daughter finally getting the second one done. Ten will be here before you know it! My dad would never let me get my ears pierced - he used to say "if God wanted holes in your lobes He would have put them there"....silly dad, God rest his soul!...but my aunt surpised me for my 16th birthday - she took me to the mall to have my ears pierced! YEAHHH!!!!....and dad wasn't even upset when we came home! I must say Shayla, you are a remarkable seven year old!

Have a lovely night Thomas Team! May you be showered with continued miracles.

At 9/5/06 8:15 AM, Blogger HeatherB said...

Sweet, sweet Shayla, you're not the first person to walk away after deciding not to have their ears pierced. You are so beautiful. :)

YEAH for Christi's white count (although low) and for a "normal" LDH count. That's great news. Praying for her counts to be up tomorrow.

Lots of love to you all and tons of prayers,


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