Baby Christi

I love this baby picture of Christi taken in 1998 when she was about 9 months old wearing a lovely outfit Shayne's Aunt Ilo sent her from Alabama. As a baby, Christi would give us that beautiful "oh my!" expression so often. What a doll! I miss those carefree, worry free days thinking she was healthy.
Thanks to free weekend cell minutes, I've had many calls with Shayne over in Philadelphia today. So far, no fever and we praise Him for that blessing! Christi is feeling well, except for the mouth sores and some back pain. I wish it were a sick April Folls joke, but it's not. Christi was limping because her ankle hurt at one point, but that's gone now. And a few times Shayne's witnessed her bending her head back again like she had been doing days ago. Although those aren't good signs and I hate to hear of any pain, I'm going to pray and try to convince myself that it's nothing. Divine intervention is a lovely thing; thank you for yours and have a good night!
So cute! I can't even imagine how much you must miss her...but she couldn't be in better hands if not your own.
Love, Jennifer
It's no surprise that this beautiful little baby grew into beautiful Christi. I pray daily, hourly that this cancer will leave her sweet body forever. She doesn't deserve this. None of you do.
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