YES! YES! Yes, there is - ME.....Dr. Thomas!!!! I could NOT have passed without the help of so many.
THANK YOU! The incredibly sweet, kind and thoughtful emails sent and comments posted here on Christi's blog gave me a ton of inspiration. Thank you for lifting me up in prayer and for shaking your pom poms! During the intense dissertation defense this afternoon I kept telling myself, "Christi's whispering the answers in my ear (That little stinker was so smart) and Christi's fans are in this room so just have a conversation with
them and don't think of this as an evaluation by these intimidating looking professors."

Prior to my 1PM defense, I took one of my former 8th grade students to lunch. When I switched to middle school, he was a student I just hit it off with and we kept in touch. Last night he sent me a text, "Call me when you get to campus." I told him I'd be really nervous and not my usual cheery self, but I wanted to see him and how he was adjusting to Ohio State. (He's doing GREAT! He's one of just 33 freshman in the incredible Ohio State University marching band! What a talented and amazing young man, he will do great things!)

After lunch, we strolled campus a bit and took in a mini-pep rally for tomorrow's game. (Of course I told Josh I thought the university spirit was to wish me goodluck or maybe they were starting to celebrate my successful defense early - hee hee!)

I believe my defense was
meant to be a useful exercise, but at times it seemed like a form of hazing. After the two hour "interrogation" (smile, breathe), a white piece of paper with the committee's signatures on it was probably (next to the girls' birth certificates) the most beautiful piece of paper I have ever seen. THANK YOU, dear Lord!

I couldn't even answer about three of their questions based on my reivew of the literature, but really everything else I was really well prepared for and I thought it appeared I "had my act together" even though I was questioning myself.
One of the emails I received, from a sweet MSKCC volunteer who read to Christi many times in the hospital in NYC, said: HE hasn’t let you come this far not to succeed. I kept thinking of that on my two hour drive to Columbus this morning while praying for God to give me the gift of intelligence and a sense of peace that I could not obtain without His divine intervention.
And I had to laugh at what my sweet Heidelberg University friend (Dr. Lori) wrote:
What does PhD really stand for?Pretty Huge Dope
Pretty Huge Deal
Party Hard – Duh! (That’s afterward!)
Port-potties have diseases!
Pronounce it “FUDD!”
I always thought it meant just "Piled Higher and Deeper" (since I find I really rely on my BS degree more than anything else, hee hee)
Oh, what a glorious feeling! I've notified BGSU of my official completion and it's great to know I can now finish serving this three year contract with the rank of Assistant Professor and not just Instructor, and my salary will be adjusted accordingly, whew! (It's still a pay cut from what I was making as a teacher at Seneca East, but I am soooooooo happy at BGSU!) The Dean of the College of Education at BGSU sent me a text saying she'd congratulate me in person on Monday. (Oh, guess I better show up on Monday, eh?! hee hee! Seriously I was planning to take doughnuts to Dr. Grine's sweet students who hosted the lemonade stand today, but.....looks like I'll do both now.)
God is good! I am blessed! Thank you everyone! I'm certain "in the shoe" tomorrow at the football game I will be the Buckeye's biggest fan there!

(As you can see from the picture of my office of my diplomas hanging above my desk, there's just one missing! It'll be in my hands soon! I'm in such a giddy mood I had to add labels to them. This last one doesn't go with my "color scheme", but it's definitely the one I worked the hardest for! Praise God, I'm done!!)
So now it appears I no longer have an excuse for putting off ordering Christi's cemetery plaque (other than I do not want to). Who, other than my mother - hee hee would
want to do that for their kid?!)
Now on to something important - raising $$$ for pediatric cancer research. I've yet to see any pictures; however, Dr. Grine emailed today to tell me over $600 was raised. WOW! That is impressive!
Thank you, Heidelberg University!!
I greeted Shayla at the door with my cap on. (Do you think she thinks I wore it the whole way home? OK, ok, I thought about it - and trust me since I paid $897.00 for my robe I should have, smile!) She decorated the living room for me "Congratulations Mom" - precious! (I noticed in this picture how well Christi's artwork she created weeks before she died shows up in this picture too. I'm telling myself it's Christi's way of letting me know she knows I passed.)
HUMOR: When my sweet friend, Becky, texted, "How are you going to celebrate tonight?" I told her I was doing lesson planning. She didn't believe me at first, but that's what I need to do now. Good thing I really enjoy it!
I, like so many others, am SO PROUD OF YOU!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!
Congratulations, Angela!
I've followed every entry for 4+ years now. I prayed for you today and made sure to check for your post tonight.
ENJOY! You deserve it!
May God bless you and your family today and always!
Troy, OH
YEA!!!!!! I have been checking your site all day, anxiously awaiting the good news. And I knew it'd be good--never a doubt in my mind. Congratulations, Dr. Thomas!
And a small point about professor salaries.....professors can often get some extra "summer salary" if they get a research grant, or do consulting, so it is conceivable that your salary will grow beyond your teacher's salaary. but as long as you are doing something you love--that is the important thing.
All the best,
Congratulations Dr. Thomas. We all knew that you could do it! You deserve it!
Congratulations DR. THOMAS!!!
Ellen Prout
yaaaaaaaaaaay angela! yay yay yay!!! whoohooo!!!
youre just amazing.
CONGRATULATIONS ANGELA!!! I just KNEW you would do it!!
Love & hugs from CA,
Congratulations!! I knew you could do it :)
I saw the title of your post and thought 'Oh dear! Who is sick?'. With my little one ill, I had completely forgotten about your Ph.D. Sorry! So when I opened the entry and say your picture, I yelled a 'Yahoo' for you.
Congratulations Dr Thomas to you and ALL of the Thomas Team who have helped you achieve your Ph.D.
Many,many congratulations Dr. Thomas!! Praise be to our Glorious God for your accomplishments.
Continued blessings for You, Shane and Miss Shayla, with a special rememberance of Sweet Christi.
Congratulations dearest, dearest Dr. Thomas. I shake my head in disbelief and admiration as a lump in my throat pushes tears to my eyes. Your achievement is so much more than academic. Anyone who knows what you've suffered through, knows how very meaningful and remarkable a feat you've accomplished. Your children (both of them) must be so very proud to claim you as "Mom". What a wonderful feeling for your youngest, Shayla, to have a leader for a Mother. Christi knew what you do: the mind is always free and the imagination is immune to cancer. Bless you, Angela, for reaching tall for your dreams, with your arms full with two children. May God continue to guide and protect you.
CONGRATULATIONS! I know your entire family is sooooooooooo proud of you. I'm sure Christi is looking down from heaven with her beautiful smile knowing that she helped you every step of the way. What an accomplishment! Now, take some time, and GO CELEBRATE!
Kathy and Madeline Watkins - from Charlotte, NC
Congratulations Dr. Angela!! I am so happy for you. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, just basking in the glow of your success.
I have been reading your blog for a few years now, and have cried and laughed with you, and I can honestly say that I am doing doing both at this moment!
And I truly believe that that orbs you see in your pictures are Christi letting you know she is with you and cheering for you!
Jenni in Hartville
OMG! Congratulations Dr. Thomas!!! Woohoo! I know Christi is cheering from Heaven! You have come a long way and deserve every bit of this!
Wendy Landers
Concord, Georgia
Congrats Angela, I mean Dr Thomas! :) That's great news. I picture Christi being so proud of her mommy and celebrating with a sweet sign just like Shayla did.
Congratulations!!! This is so great! I know Christi is proud of you. Enjoy the feeling of finally being finished! - Kathryn
I never doubted you wouldn't achieve this huge milestone Angela. As that sweet volunteer said (and is SO true), HE did NOT bring you this far to not get you trhough this.
Congratulations. I am so very happy for you.
Tracey (in Canada)
I rarely comment but I just want to SAY CONGRATILATION (hmm spelled wrong) :D Well Done Dr. Thomas.
Ha!! i never doubted it.. DR.THOMAS!
Congratulations Angela...
Congrats. U did it! God bless u all!
CONGRATS DR THOMAS! I knew you would do it! Amazing Lady! So proud of you!
Amy Brown
Gleason WI 54435
Congratulations!! Your hard work paid off. I'm so happy for you and your family.
Congratulations Angela on this huge accomplishment! You are a true testament to the old cliche, "If you put your mind to it, you can do anything." And you certainly have! I have no doubt in my mind that Christi encouraged and inspired you from the heavens and is beaming with pride at what her mom has done.
I have followed Christi's blog for the past three years and enjoy reading your posts about you and your beautiful family. All the best to you as you embark on your life as "Dr. Thomas"!
Dear Angela
Congratulations on your doctorate, well done!!!
Haven't checked in for a while, I think of you and your family though and am so happy to hear that you are doing well. All my best wishes to you all.
God Bless Angel Christie.
Love Angela
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