The first week of classes Shayne so kindly spent the weekend moving me into my new office. It has been great having a window and a much larger space! I love working there (perhaps as much as in my home office, actually) and I'm very comfortable! Just this week I finally finished. I know it looks cluttered, but it doesn't seem that way when I'm in it. Shayne and I call it "the corner suite" and it is - SWEET!

A couple of students thought I needed little white lights in my orange netting yet so I just added that. I love having my desk around the corner to give me a little bit of privacy (to make me more productive and less social - LOL!). The past couple of days the office has even "made the tour". Prospective students and their parents have stopped in to say to say, "You have a lot of falcon spirit!" or perhaps they've heard I have chocolates in my candy dish!

Regardless, we have one week left of classes and the office is done, yip, yip, yippee! It will be hard to say goodbye to this semester's students, but I'm ready to get going on my summer projects! They will kick off in a HUGE way in early May, absolutely can't wait!
Thank you, dear Lord!
I LOVE your new office! It's perfect!
Love, Holly
Katy, TX
I just love your new office Angela..its so cosy looking.
I would like to wish all the Thomas Team a very Happy ,Joyful and Peaceful Easter.
With all my love.
Sam (Ireland)xxx
Angela, I am guessing you are left handed? Me too, however I do many tasks with my right hand.
Your office is amazing and very inviting. I wish I was back in school and could visit you for some chocolates. Yum! My professors' offices were never so decorated or filled with such school spirit!
Nice job! Enjoy, you deserve it!
Your new office is so cute! Hope you guys had a blessed Easter.
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