Not the Best of Days

I had hoped that Christi would have joined Shayla and I at school sometime today, but her headache persisted as did her eye pain. She also has a very sore throat and mouth from nasty mouth sores due to the high dose chemo. Shayne gave her some dilaudid (narcotic for pain) today.
She's been very tired; we also assumed she was needing a transfusion or two so Shayne took her to the hospital this afternoon to get her blood drawn. Sure enough, she needed both blood and platelets. Boy was that chemo harsh! Tomorrow morning, I will take her to the hospital to get her blood products which were ordered tonight. I hope it makes her feel better and perks her up some. The blood is to run for 4 1/2 hours and the platelets should take about an hour. I've packed lots of things to do and I pray she'll feel up to it.
Finding out that Mrs. Smith would postpone the class valentine exchange until a later date was the sweetest thing! (Thanks, Caroline!!) She is a Saint realizing how important this valentine party is to Christi.
The most stressful part of the evening was when Christi learned she had to start getting nightly shots again. She told Shayne, "No, remember I'm getting transfusions tomorrow." Shayne explained that was for her low hemigloban and platelets, not for her very low white count (1.9 white / ANC of a mere 200 - yikes!! The ability to fight infection is nill!) The little inquisitive mind said, "I just don't get it. Why didn't scientists figure out how to do white blood transfusions first? That is the most dangerous, not blood or platelets!" Things have changed now that we're trying to rationalize cancer care with an 8 1/2 year old, instead of the little 5 year old she used to be!!
She asked Shayne if it was okay to scream when he gave her the shot and he assured her it was. Well, she screamed a blood curling scream during the entire injection. (The shots are HUGE.) Later, Christi sobbed into my shoulder, "I'd rather have ten small ones instead of five larger ones." (Not realizing it wasn't an option and that actually ten (large) shots were ordered for her by the doc, but due to the cost and hoping she doesn't need them, we just got five and we'll pray we only need five to get her ANC back up!)
Thanks to the wonderful blessing of family, Shayla's 7th birthday party is all planned for Sunday - her real birth date too! (She does like to say, "Abraham Lincoln was born on my birthday. hee hee!) I am a bit worried about Christi's ANC and other issues, but they know we may cancel at the last minute. Meanwhile, we'll pray!
Hello Sweet Thomas Team,
I'll be praying for a smooth transfussion tomorrow and for improved engery for Christi afterwards.
Christi, you are the bravest little girl I know. Sending along (((HUGS))) for getting those shots.
With all my love, and many prayers,
Oh Christi LOVED your painting!! Will you come do the windows at my house sometime? :)
Hope you feel better soon sweetie! Praying that the blood and platelets will give you the boost you need!
Christi your artwork is beautiful!
I hope the transfusions go smoothly tomorrow and Christi gets her energy back! Her teacher is so sweet to postpone the party.
So sorry Christi doesn't enjoy those shots. Who would?...I don't blame her! I don't like needles one bit.
Love & Prayers,
Praying for a better day tomorrow!
Megan in NC
Praying that Christi's transfusions and injections bring her counts where they need be. Grow neutrophils grow!!
I hope that tomorrow is a better day.
Hey, I'm Felicia Reinhard..a 14 year old girl who lives in Arington Heights IL, I just happened to randomly come across this website and I'm very moved by it. I actually have some family in Columbus Ohio!! Well anyways, I am praying for Christi and I really do hope she gets better, I don't know her but she looks like a really sweet girl from all those pictures and VERY pretty =]..I hope things get better for you..and just remember
Keep Hope Forever <333
Love Felicia.
( I also don't have a webpage but I will leave a URL to a picture of me!)
This is Marci Crawford in Mansfield. I am good friends with Mary Jean Theaker. Since she doesn't have a computer, I am keeping her updated daily from your blog messages. Please know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers (I feel like I know you even though we've never met.)
Hello Thomas Family,
I have been following the website for a little while now, I pray each night and my 2 1/2 year old include you all in our prayers at night.
I saw a photo of christi and a friend, jennifer, on here and recognized her immediately. i met christi and her family at the ice rink i worked at in college here in fremont ohio... a couple of years ago. i remember angela telling me that christi had cancer and "didnt have long" but man - look at how many years have gone by and your family has stuck it out - what an inspirational little girl with so much to offer the world on what courage really is.
i admire you all... for all you've done,do, and will do in the future.
christi, you and your family are the epitome what what family and friends are all about... and you are the example of the purity children possess and everything us adults need.
i'll pray for you forever.
you've touched so many lives, christi... what a champ!
Hey its me Felicia again, just wanted to show you a picture I made for you guys
Thomas Team,
I'm praying that the transfusions do the trick.
Breaks my heart that someone that sweet has to endure this. The faith, strength and courage of the entire Thomas family should be an inspiration to us all.
I truly hope you feel better for your Valentines Party at school [ bless you Mrs. Smith ]. I also pray you feel good for Shayla's birthday this Sunday. Happy Birthday Shayla!!
I'm using Christi's window painting as the new wallpaper for my Comp. Maybe I can talk ' Harriet ' into getting Christi to autogragh a copy of it for me.
Take care little one. We're praying for you and the entire team.
Hope you feel better soonChristi Thats so cute to scream though the shot :)
Happy Valentines Day Sweetie, I hope you can get to your party and your sisters too. Just remember the shots help so that you can get back to school and your friends faster. God Bless You!
Love, Ellen and the kids.
I wish I could take those shots for you sweet girl... I'm thinking of you always.
Big Hugs and Lots of Love,
Lora and Family
Hi Chrisitie, I'm so sorry you have to have shots - I hate them too. Praying for your entire family little one.
We will continue to pray for Christi that God will touch her heal her and make her cancer free. We had alot of intercession prayer last night at church for this beautiful child . Dear Jesus let Christi have a pain free day and touch her and heal her from this awful wicked disease .
UpperSandusky , Ohio
Good morning I wanted to let you guys know that your all on my mind and in my prays. The chemo is kicking in very quickly and I pray it is doing a number on neuroblastoma. I am sorry that christy has to get shots I pray she perks up after her blood and platelets today. I will check in again later. Love Jonel mom to Angel Elijah and Dante
Christi, you are such a good artist! You probably already know that the rainbow has biblical significance. To me it is a sign of Hope. My husband, Pat, is an artist too and has even done work for Sesame Street. He even went to the set once, where they film the show, and saw Big Bird, Elmo, etc. Pat did the CNCF logo too! You guys would probably have a lot of fun drawing together.
I’m so sorry you have to get those shots but they really will help you feel better.
You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Shayne and Angela,
I don't know how much flexibility you have, but we have had equally good luck with white count recovery after taking Neulasta (one shot vs. multiple shots with neupogen) and after taking the IV version of neupogen infused over 30 minutes. Erin (8.5 also) HATES needles as well, and Dr. Russell has been very comfortable with these other solutions over the daily stick.
FYI--She had the IV version during much of induction and transplant and took the neulasta following her nine courses of topo/cyclo.
I continue to think about Christi everyday. I know the hair thing will cause some consternation, and I can't say that Erin ever actually gets "used" to it. BUT it is not upper most in her mind, and she does have a phenomenal hat collection. Hang in there!
Dear Christi,
I hope today is better than yesterday and that you're feeling better.
I'm sure when you get a bit older you'll be able to invent much better treatments...
Hang in there sweety.
We've never met, but I found you through the website of our good friends' 6-year-old son, whom we journeyed with through the pain of cancer, and just wanted you to know that we are praying for you here in Iowa! My daughter is 8 and a dancer, and has an American Girl doll, loves to read -- I think our girls would be friends. We almost lost our daughter to an accident last spring, and ever after I can relate in some small way to the tremendous preciousness of each hug, school party, drawing by them, times they say they love you, that others might take for granted. I pray for you as one mom to another, and your beautiful girls, and your marriage, and your faith. I cry with you. I know God hears the prayers of your internet friends, and He will lift you up and give you the strength you need, when you need it. Please tell Christi my daughter, Katie, and I pray for her, and the third graders in my Wednesday night church class are praying for her too. Katie would like to know if there is an American Girl outfit Christi might like for her Jess -- she wants to buy it with her allowance, but she doesn't want to get one Christi already has. I know you're busy, so if we don't hear from you, we'll just get a gift certificate. If you have a chance, we're at God bless you all!
Just to let you know someone in Oklahoma is praying for you. You are a special girl!
Just saying hi and praying all the time for all of you.
Hope that blood is perking you up Christi. I'm with you why can't the scieniests figure out the white blood transfussion? Good question.
I love you guys, you're my hero Christi!
Lots of love, tons of prayers,
Sending big HUGE prayers that you are feeling better soon!!
Love -
A Friend
Praying every night.
You are such a sweet little girl that has touched so many lives. You are a true inspiration to us all.
Hi Christi I hope that the transfusions perk you up and that you get to have a comfortable enjoyable weekend,sending you loads of warm wishes and tons of prayers from London, England. Is there is anything I can send you from the UK? please email me at and it would be my pleasure.
Was wondering if your doctor allows the use of Insuflons for injections.
It's a little canula inserted into the leg and the child only feels the liquid going in rather than another injection.
Hi Christy
I just love your HUG blanket. See how many people love you!
I'm so sorry to hear your eyes still bother you. HOw about a nice scented eye mask? It feels so nice after you put the mask in the microwave for a minute.
Well, you just missed the snow storm. We are supposed to get 6-12 inches in Philly. I hope you stay nice and toasty at home.
Could you use any more books? Have you Mommy post some ideas. (thanks Angela)
Dear Christi and Family, My daughter was also diagnosed with nb at age 4, you girls amaze me with your strength and courage. We have been following your story for a long time and pray for you EVERY day. God Bless! Your friends from Massachusetts
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