
The pass provided Christi (and all three of us) with a great break from CHOP - now she's hooked back up to her "dancing partner" (IV pole)! Despite the pouring rain, the temp was still in the mid-50's so we took off for the four block walk to the Barnes and Noble at UPenn this afternoon. Christi held up her umbrella and was covered with a sheet while Shayne pushed her in the wheelchair. Worked like a charm - she stayed dry. Shayne - well no comment, hee hee. Thanks to sweet prayer warriors and good friends back home, she used a generous gift card and only owed $1.27!! (THANK YOU!) After enjoying the children's department, she looked exhausted. She said that her eyes were hurting and she wanted to go back to the hospital. She did read non-stop the entire two hours! It was joyous! She LOVES it there!
When asking Dr. Maris if her eyes were definitely involved he said to accurately determine that she'd need to have a one hour long MRI (her least favorite test!) done and he couldn't see a need to put her through that. Originally, he said that if her orbits were involved and it looked like she was about to lose her sight they'd start radiation right away. I wonder if that's not as big of a concern right now, or if it is fruitless and going to happen anyway. Radiation takes time to work. I just wish her eye situation was improving. At least they're open now - that's a step forward from days ago. I am thankful!
Calls with her friends today have consisted of the same message. "I'm going to lose my hair with this chemo, but we're going to cut my hair and send it in and see if they'll make it into my wig. I'll look just like me." Still breaks my heart to hear this every time, but I'm glad she's talking about it. She is so amazing! It just doesn't seem that that should be a conversation an 8 year old should be having with her friends. Her friends have given her soooooooo much joy in recent days by way of telephone! She is very blessed!
For the most part she feels really well. I must admit, treating or not was a difficult decision to make on Tuesday night. I huddled in the hotel bathroom speaking with Shayne via cell phone. He said, "Of course, we're going to try to treat her, right?" I could only describe her poor condition and say that I didn't think it was in her best interest. She was so miserable I couldn't imagine her getting better. I explained to Shayne that I thought putting her through treatment was very self-serving because we want to extend her life. When speaking with Dr. Maris about this he said that he felt treatment would give her some relief and comfort and he also said that if he asked Christi if she still wanted to treat, he would bet that she would say yes. Now, there days later, I let out a big sigh and thank God that we started the chemo. It may not be helping destroy the cancer, but she really feels so much better and I'm hopeful it'll get things "under control" again and buy us some more quality time with this little gift of joy! She's overcome so much in the past 3 1/2 years. We're proud of her and her amazing bubbly spirit!
Shari - Last night when we had to move Christi wanted me to take down the pink and red paper heart valentine cut outs you made and put up in our room so I did and I put them up in her new (MUCH smaller) room. Thanks for brightening our lives!! You are a gem - a rare and precious find! God bless you!
A friend refered me to this site ;) I`m praying for Christi :D She reminds me so much of what my mom went through...She had stage 4 lung cancer(never smoked), and passed away last November(Veteran`s Day)...It`s amazing what determination can do, the dr`s predicted she would live only a year and she beat the odds by living 18 months! :D
I`ll be praying for her recovery :)
Dear Angela and Shayne and Christi too,
I can't imagine how hard the decesion to treat or not must have been for you both. I'm thankful too that you decided to do so and that Christi is feeling better and able to enjoy her favorite activity. I'll be praying specifically for her eyesight to remain.
Christi- I love the picture of you at Barnes and Noble. That's my favorite way to read too, cross legged on the floor.
Thanks Angela for all the effort you and Shayne have put into keeping us all updated through the blog. It really helps to be able to read the updates and know how to pray more specifically on a daily basis.
Lots of Love, many prayers and big (((HUGS))) to you all!!
I love you guys- thanks for sharing Christi with the world.
Love you,
Hey, this is Mark from Habitat for Hope. We are thankful you time to "get out". Sometimes that can be so refreshing. Ya'll in our thoughts and prayers. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you! I pray the Lord would continue to be your source of strength, peace and hope.
Mark Horrocks
Habitat for Hope
Looking Good Christi!!
Hope the Chemo goes well today!! You GOOOOO Girl!
Prayers and Love from Minesota!!
Mary and Molly XOXOXO
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