Support For Christi Thomas

This blog is to help offer support to the Thomas Family and their daughter, Christi, in her battle against cancer. Please visit Christi's website at to learn more. There, you'll find journals, photos and a lots of other information about this amazing child and her family.

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Friday, June 02, 2006


There are Angels on earth! The Grants offered to take Shayla to their home for an overnight and a possible Girl Scout venture to an amusement park tomorrow, weather permitting. (I checked on her a little while ago and she's having a ball with their lovely daughters!) After Shayla left with Debbie I went to our room at Ronald and actually took a 2 1/2 hour nap (very unlike me). I knew both girls were in fabulous hands and I guess I am more tired than I thought. (I do believe my OSU project is nearing its final hours. Whew!)

Prior to my leaving with Shayla today, I had been asking and asking to see an oncologist. (I wanted to get Christi off of her many, strong IV meds before I had to take Shayla back to Ronald to catch her ride. I knew it wouldn't happen unless I was there to advocate for it.) Finally, it was getting close to the time I had to leave so I told the nurse, "Tell the docs that I want her meds stopped immediately and I bet one will come running up to this floor soon." Five minutes later an oncologist came in and said, "You want to go home?" I said, "Sure. I want to go home, but I know it's not safe yet- unless you tell me it is, then we're out of here; however, she doesn't have a white count yet." She said, "I got the message you're leaving." I responded, "No, I just asked to have her IV meds stopped because nothing has grown in her 48 hour cultures and I don't want any unnecessary meds being processed through her liver. Also, she says she's not eating because of the horrible taste of all the IV fluids going into her port." The oncologist said as long as we weren't intending to leave, they could unhook everything and just monitor they did. (E-A-S-Y!)

Caroline said it was almost immediately that Christi said she was hungry and she ate like a champ- even eating the hospital food instead of saving it for Shayla (who actually eats it). Also, not being tethered to an IV pole gives an active nine year old a lot more freedom. Caroline and Christi enjoyed conducting science experiments while I was gone.

Tonight, Christi was happy to chat with a great friend from home. (Thanks, Josh!) She also had a purrrfectly enchanting time this evening in her hospital bed, thanks to another Angel on earth who has blessed us with compassion and kindness.

I don't know what her blood counts will look like tomorrow, but I hope they're moving on up. Now that she is feeling so very well, we're more than anxious to get home! (Christi has been here since May 18th!!) We hope the poor weather forcast that is predicted for tomorrow will not keep people away from attending the Poker Run back home, nor us from getting a plane ride back to Ohio with Mr. Traunero as soon as we get the go-ahead to leave.

HUMOR: Both sisters were weighed today by the nurse on a hospital's scale. Both sisters weighed within 6/10 of an ounce of each other. One (little) sister was very proud to weigh the same as her (big) sister!

FRIDAY, JUNE 9th (11AM - 2PM) "Sip Lemonade and Take A Sweet Stand Against Cancer!" Christi & Alex's 3rd annual Lemonade Stand raising money for pediatric cancer research one cup at a time. OLD FORT BANK - WESTGATE OFFICE, Tiffin (across from McDonalds)


At 3/6/06 10:23 AM, Blogger Jennifer Lehmann said...

Just thought I'd let you know that things are also heating up for my 1st "Friends of Christi" Alex's Lemonade Stand. I woke up this morning to find my mom making signs and a list of places to call to advertise! We are all getting very excited for it.

My medical moment yesterday...I got my TB test for Camp Quality. No big deal. Then I had to get that shot to stay in a dorm at BG. I stand up to get my sucker and apparently I passed out. Other than being absolutely sore(I guess I hit my head, neck & shoulder a few times on the examining table, chair & wall on the way down)...I'm alright! Freaked out my mother though. Christi, I give you major props for all those pokes you get!

Anyway, before this gets even more rediculously long. I'm happy to hear Christi is no longer all tied up to those meds. I pray she'll be able to come home soon!

Love, Jennifer

At 3/6/06 6:13 PM, Blogger HeatherB said...

I'm sooo glad to hear that Christi is free from her IV pole and the meds and is eating again. What Fablous news to come home to this evening! :)

Angela- If I EVER need an advocate for me I'm calling you! You're AWESOME! God couldn't have chosen a better Mommy for Christi and Shayla.

Shayla- Hope you're enjoying yourself with the Grant girls and get to go to the Ammusement park tomorrow!

Much love to all of you! Hope to have you back on Buckeye soil before too much longer.

I love you all!

Lots of love and prayers,

At 3/6/06 10:09 PM, Blogger thonmom06 said...

Hello there Thomas Team. Angela, you are to be commended! We attended the 50th Anniversary celebration for our friends who live in Lancaster and driving home (we car pooled!) we got on the discussion of patients, hospitals, etc...we lived a nightmare when my brother Stephen was paralyzed in the car accident because the staff REFUSED to allow anyone to sleep in the room with him when he was transfered to transitional trauma...imagine, not being able to do more than move your eyes and your mouth - and there's nobody there to scratch that itch on the tip of your nose ("we were short staffed"!!!)...the hospital did not hear the end of it when they called us at 4AM to "calm him down" when that could have all be avoided...needless to say their rules have changed since that episode. Christi is very fortunate to have you advocate for her and pull whatever punches you have to in order to get attention. I was cheering you on while reading this post.
love, sylvia

I'm really not intending to bash hospitals...there are MANY, MANY good, caring physicians, nurses, etc...and we are ever so thankful for those of you who are....the others...well, sometimes there are exceptions to the rules.


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