Support For Christi Thomas

This blog is to help offer support to the Thomas Family and their daughter, Christi, in her battle against cancer. Please visit Christi's website at to learn more. There, you'll find journals, photos and a lots of other information about this amazing child and her family.

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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Pedaling for Pennies

Christi had a pretty good day! She only threw up from her chemo one time and was able to ride some rides at Cedar Point with Jennifer today despite an upset tummy which slowed her down. I wish I could take the pills and the pain for her. She is such a great sport! (I forgot to mention last week that Christi lost a tooth while at the amusement park....not a big surprise there, eh?!) Upon our return home she "worked" in my classroom for an hour helping me get ready for school. (Did I mention she is BEYOND EXCITED about school starting? Tonight she's busy making "bead thingys" for the new girls who will be attending our school since theirs was sadly closed last year and she's happy there will be even more friends to get to know.)

Tomorrow we will have having four overnight guests. We've never met them before but we are all united together for a great cause - raising money for pediatric cancer research! You can visit the college kids' website for more information or read their blog about their journey across America. We're more than happy to do our part of providing meals and overnight accomodations before they continue on with their journey! (They're in Cleveland tonight, will arrive here tomorrow afternoon and will be heading west on Saturday. Shayne is planning to ride a bit with them when they departure.)

Jennifer, thanks for your special company today! As we parted in Bellevue and I watched you drive away toward your new college, tears poured down my face! You are one special young lady! Your parents must be so proud. Shayne and I would love nothing more than to have our daughters turn out just like you! Keep in touch!

I'm having difficulty uploading pics, but hopefully that will be fixed soon and then I'll post them to go with the blog entries. Christi's finished art project is so lovely (and her face so proud) I want to share it.


At 10/8/06 8:59 PM, Blogger HeatherB said...

I'm glad Christi had a good time at Cedar Point despite her upset stomach. Poor baby!

I've been praying for her all day long!!

What a sweetie to make "beady things" for the new girls in her schoool. What a kind, compassionate and loving gal she is!

Oh how I love all of you so!!! Enjoy your overnight guests.

With all my love and prayers for always,

At 10/8/06 9:03 PM, Blogger Jennifer Lehmann said...

And you make them pour down mine...

I'm honored you want your girls to be just like me...but I think if they turn out to be just like you, they'll be more than alright too!

BG isn't too far away and there is always time to be made for the Thomas Team. Remember I have no classes on Tuesdays or Thursdays and I love visitors. You'll have to check out my "closet" when Krista & I get all moved in. I'm (not-so) anxious to see if you can really stretch your arms from wall to wall!

Love you!!


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