Support For Christi Thomas

This blog is to help offer support to the Thomas Family and their daughter, Christi, in her battle against cancer. Please visit Christi's website at to learn more. There, you'll find journals, photos and a lots of other information about this amazing child and her family.

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Late Night Thoughts

As I sit here in this dark hospital room, contemplating Christi's fate, I am awed by own fear of mortality. Selfishly, I want to keep Christi with us for longer actually forever. When is it time to let her go? Why can't I convince myself that she is going to a better place? Perhaps my ego is too fragile to accept the fact that someone else may have made a better home for her on the "other side" Many of us pass through these shadowy periods with loved ones and it is never easy. I do not feel special in this regard. Although I know other parents have passed through here it still challenges my very being as if I am the first to experience this agony.

Each new pain, every increase in morphine sits heavy on my chest. Her cries of pain activate muscles in the center of my back which sends signals to my brain to "fight". Bar fight instincts say "If you're going down then.go down swinging". It's not until the quieter moments that the fight instinct gives way to rational thought. A braver response is to tip your executioner and meet your fate with dignity. Here, my friends, is the paradox. If we nobly accept this circumstance we have forsaken the weakest among us-a defenseless child. Each hug reminds me that she believes with her whole heart that I will do whatever it takes to make her well, period. As of yet I have not been able to reconcile the two.



At 13/9/06 12:53 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

You are both in my prayers.

At 13/9/06 1:11 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

I can’t tell you how many times I have sat and thought the same thing. I have not been in your place but I have tried to prepare myself for it the best I know how. Is it wrong for me to pray for healing for my sweet child? Does that mean I don’t trust that God will do what is best for us? Is it selfish to want her here when I know that he has a wonderful place for her there with no pain, no pokies and NO CANCER! I believe it is in our nature to protect and hold on to the ones we love as long as it is in our best interest to do so and we are expected to be sad and morn for that loss. You are both wonderful parents and have given Christi an amazing life full of love and laughter. There are people who live 100 years and never experience the warmth of a family the way Christi has. There is nothing I could ever say to make you feel better but I want you to know you are not completely alone.

Love and prayers.

Lisa Adams

At 13/9/06 5:16 PM, Blogger Hannah said...

You write so beautifully at a time when words would fail most people - you are so much in my thoughts. I am so sorry. xxxxx

At 13/9/06 7:15 PM, Blogger Melinda Auld said...

shayne, christi is your beautiful, special daughter. there is no better place for her here ON EARTH than with you and her family. in heaven, she is in god's house and the rules are different. and we can't know about those rules here on earth. just know that we all love you, and love her, and we are here for you and your family. you have always acted in christi's best interests and she loves you with every fibre of her heart. it is impossible for you to let her down.

praying for your daughter, and for your family - for no pain, and for more time...


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