FROM THIS MORNING's ADVERTISER-TRIBUNE NEWSPAPER: Shayla Thomas, 10, pours lemonade Friday morning during the Christi Thomas Memorial Lemonade Stand at Heidelberg University. Christi, Shayla's older sister, died three years ago at the age of 9 after a four-year fight with neuroblastoma. Shayla also read "Alex and the Amazing Lemonade Stand" during the event, which raised money for pediatric cancer research. To view more photos from this event, log on to (I love how Jill also captured "Boo" - a Christi fan on the left & "Dr. Lori" on the right)

Sweet Dr. Lori! At the same time I was defending my dissertation, Lori and her students were hard at work. I love this picture; it reminds me so much of the one of Christi & Lori taken years ago. (The one above is nearly identical to one that was captured of Christi as well - wild!)

I didn't know Shayla read to the college kids
outside until I saw Jill's pictures. I noticed she read right in front of her sister's "stone". Very sweet!

I texted with Liz Scott, Alex's mom, a few times on Friday. I think Alex would be so proud of all her family has continued to do with Alex's Lemonade Stand - raising $$ for pediatric cancer research, one cup at a time. This picture was taken in New Jersey, where our incredibly sweet Philly friends hosted their annual Lemonade Stand, sweet, sweet, sweet! THANKS, Grants!!! We love you!!!

Seeing these pictures reminds me of how much Christi enjoyed these special fundraisers Dr. Lori and Heidelberg allowed her to be a part of. There are amazing people there! THANKS, everyone!

Our deepest "Thomas Team thanks" to all of these sweet volunteers!
Do you suppose Shayla will also be a teacher? The picture of her reading to 'her students' is very cute.
Congratulations DR. THOMAS!!!!!! I knew you could and would be successful. I'm so happy for you! Have a great year at BGSU Doc.
OMG, Shayla looks so much like Christi in that first photograph, I had to do a double take!
-Wendy Landers
Concord, Georgia
I have a lot of pictures for you ;) my mother showed me the picture in the paper and I was so excited!
Congrats Dr.Thomas ;)
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