I think the spirit of Christmas is giving because Christ (CHRISTmas) was a gift to us. I think if you have the Christmas spirit you are merry and kind. You can show your spirit by doing something you didn't need to do such as extra chores or by giving your time.
I also think if you have the Christmas spirit you get with your family. Christmas should reunite the whole family. You can show this part by calling a relative that you might not have spoken to for a while.
By Shay Thomas, age 10 1/2

Shayla enjoyed celebrating Christmas and spending much of Saturday with Nee Nee. (We all did!). We suggested she pack some games to take. It was hard to see one of Christi's favorite games - Cranium. We had not played that, "Since those pink whale people stayed with us," Shayla said. She's right! When the Rally guys, biking across the country raising money for pediatric cancer awareness, stayed here in mid-August of 2006 we played it with them - and then never again. Whenever it was suggested, I steered those wanting to play a game in another direction because I couldn't stomach it. It was one of Christi's favorites; we played it at "the end". I decided it was time to muster up the courage and to play it. We had a ball! Shayla thanked her grandma for playing saying, "We can't play this anymore. It's for four players and we only have three in our family."

Sunday found Shayla at her great aunt and uncle's home enjoying their side's family Christmas. Her great aunt Joyce gave her some wonderful horse books she's been avidly reading ever since. We had a lovely evening at great aunt Steve & El's home, despite the fact we all longed to have grandma and uncle John there with us too (and cousin Joe & Grandpa & Christi). Their deaths still seem so fresh. We miss them all!
Dear Shayla,
Thank you very much for the great suggestions on the meaning of the Christmas spirit and how to show it! I will be calling my aunt today, like the idea you wrote in your report about getting together with family. I hope you have very happy Christmas Season, and a terrific new year!
Kalyani (in snowy Canada!)
Beautiful Shayla, you are wise beyond your years!
Wishing the Thomas Team a blessed Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
The K-Krew
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