I spent much of Friday in the crawl space, digging out the Christmas decorations so that it be simple and easy for Shayla to just do the decorating when she got home from school. I was blown away to find this! As I went to take off a tag and recycle a gift bag - THIS IS WHAT I FOUND! (It was the tag and gift bag from Christi's final gift to Shayla, December 2005, when she was 8.) WILD, really, wild! Shayla was so happy to see this; Shayne looked like he was doing all he could to hold in his tears. Needless to say, when Shayne and I took off for my BGSU holiday party last night, I couldn't wait to get out of here for a bit! It was wonderful for Shayne to be able to spend time getting to know my awesome new colleagues in the School of Teaching and Learning. It was definitely a needed break from all of the emotions surrounding the family traditions of Christmas - without Christi here to help. It still is so hard and truly, if not for Shayla, I would not even decorate at all. It just hurts to see all of Chrisit's ornaments, little school projects, etc. I do treasure them; they just make me sad. I love and miss her terribly!

The annual tradition of Shayla putting the angel on the top of our Christmas tree. She joked, "I'm getting pretty big. Do you think one day, I'll have to lift you instead?"

I see an orb to the far left here. (Perhaps Christi is still thinking SHE should be the one to put the angel on the top of the tree - always a tough decision as to which girl would get to do it!)

Shayla did a great job arranging my Heritage 56 Dickens Village; I love it!

Each year, since Shayla has been a baby, her Godmother (Aunt Marty) gives her one, gorgeous piece to this amazing Nativity set. It is really turning out to be quite a keepsake! And I think it was the greatest idea ever, even though it had to cost quite a fortune upfront. Thankfully, that wasn't done for Christi - can you imagine what you'd do with the other pieces that were not given to her because she died - ugh! So hard!

Something new in our lives today was that Shayla participated in her first basketball game with some girls she goes to school with.

We were quite surprised, and caught off guard, that she enjoyed it so much. We weren't expecting that. Shayne has told her dance, horse lessons and ice skating are fine, but she has to do at least one team sport. I couldn't believe how much fun I had too. I don't know anything about playing basketball, but the girls were darling! (Mom, if you need an "action" shot - I posted a second entry with a little 21 second video clip for ya. Who knew she could be athletic too?! Wow!)

ANOTHER NEW EVENT FOR US: Shayla being in the Xmas parade. PICTURE: At the end of today's little Christmas parade with her incredible HEIGHTS teacher - Mrs. Joy and a friend!

"Only in Tiffin," we joked. Shayla was invited to be in the parade for two things this morning. 1.) To pass out candy, walking behind an old fashioned fire truck, with her gifted class representing their service club and 2.) for her Heritage Festival Jr. Princess. She chose to walk with her classmates.

Just in case we could somehow pull it off, I packed her ti era and sash. Well, much to our delight her class was entry #8 and the festival royal entry was #32. After she ended the parade with her class, we walked back to the beginning of the parade where she hopped in the convertible and got to be in the parade - again! What a hoot!

My little sweetie helped assemble the "party favors" for my graduation luncheon - scarlet and gray M&Ms, yummmmmm! It's almost "party time" but first Shayla and I have some SERIOUS partying to do!

Shayla is now at Aunt Marty's making a "Gingerbread Stable" this year. I will post the recipe if I receive it. Shayla was really excited! Here she is giving her Christmas gift to her great aunt before they took off for aunt Marty's.
What a treasure to have found the tag from Christi! Awesome! Loving these Shayla photos -- it's got to be so difficult to keep on with traditions when your precious Christi is no longer there to enjoy them...kudos to you and Shayne for continuing them for Shayla and giving her such an awesome childhood! Oh and so awesome to see Shayla in the parade not once but twice, AND playing basketball! We're big bball fans, so it was a treat to see Shayla play in the video!
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