We've had a lovely week; sometimes I just can't believe how blessed we are! I'm more in love with my sweet husband than ever before. He recently said how nice it was that my life has slowed down and we're now able to spend a lot of time together, really enjoying each other's company. (We had "date night" last Thursday night as we went with friends to a fundraiser at a Comedy Club and got a hotel room in Perrysburg while Shay stayed with my mom and Joe. It was a riot; we laughed so hard and are still retelling jokes to each other, still laughing hard!)

Shayla LOVED her Saturday spent with her great aunt Marty and uncle Jeff. I just wish everyone had an "aunt Marty" in their life because what an amazing world this would be!

Shayla had a few friends from dance over on the weekend and they had a blast. Shayne and I loved all of the noise and laughter filling our home; sometimes it is just too quiet. I can vividly remember how loud TWO children living in our home were and then when Christi died, it was suddenly quiet as Shayla just played by herself.
I've also been blessed over the week to have some more long over due lunches and breakfasts with friends. Spending quality time with friends; something not done in a terribly long time, but that I promised myself I would do once my new job started and I've been doing just that. Shayla recently said, "Again?" when I told her what my plans for the day were. I told her, "Aren't I lucky to have so many friends who want to go to lunch with me?" (Of course getting Christi's cemetery plaque is also on my list too....hmmmm...I had a dream about that lack of that the other night. I really must do that.) I've also been catching up on my reading and I recently watched "Gone with the Wind" and "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" preparing for a little "birthday trip" down South Shayne suggested. I'm taking off soon with some of my "favorite people" as Shayne termed them.
Over the week I attended my final game as an Ohio State Student. I can say it was the best game I watched the Buckeyes play in three years of being a season ticket holder, yet it was also sad knowing I will be back, but not sitting in the crazy student section ever again. (Although it might be nice to actually SIT and watch a game sometime instead of standing like we do in the student section.)

Shortly before the game I received a text from a former student, who is a band member. It said, "Where are you?" And although I was too far away to get to where we usually meet, it made me cry to realize how fortunate I have been to have a career that has allowed me to touch student lives.
Soon after I started my new job at BG, I received an email from a student telling me she has followed Christi's story since her 8th grade teacher told her about Christi in 2002. She welcomed me to BGSU. I told her that I'd love to meet her and treat her to lunch, just as soon as my dissertation defense was over. Finally, this week I got to do just that. I was so shocked by her choice of major.....she wants to be a Child Life Specialist. Oh, she WILL BE AWESOME! I blinked away tears (actually, many times throughout our lunch and visit back at my office together) as I knew how important Child Life Specialists are to little cancer patients, who really need "fun things" to do.

OK, I just HAD to do it! This is my version of "Rushing the Field" after Ohio State won the Big Ten Championship (and a bid to the Rose Bowl in Pasadena) in overtime on Saturday! While students were throwing themselves over the concrete and running to the center of the field, Shayne jokingly said, "Angela, you've got to do that! It's your last game! When are you ever going to get on that turf?" I laughed and said, "I know I WANTED to graduate in June walking down in this stadium,
but my dissertation committee thought otherwise, now I'm graduating in a gymnasium - yuck. Really, I just need to get to the ladies room." Finally, we decided the fastest way back to catch our bus to our van was actually to walk through the stadium - with all of the "hoopla" - so we did. What an experience! Let's just say I was probably the calmest student in that mess!

Early this week I mailed out a few graduation invitations with tears in my eyes. I sometimes cannot believe I'm done and that I really did it. I can't wait to celebrate with a handful close family and friends in Columbus in a matter of weeks. I vividly remember submitting my application while living in the Ronald McDonald House of Philadelphia in the fall of 2003. The journey was longer, harder and much more expensive than I ever thought at that time and sometimes on my late long drives home from classes I'd question myself, "Will this ever pay off?" I can honestly say the answer to that for me has been a HUGE - YES!!! I didn't know I could be this happy again, thank you Lord!
I hope you and yours have a fabulous week! May God grant you all peace, good health and happiness!
I am so glad you had such a nice and fun filled week!
See you soon!
Hi Christi,
My name is Barry Goodwin. I am a two time cancer survivor wjo has just started to blog. I enjoy your photos and the good news of your battle. I began to write poetry as therapy for my battle with the beast. I just started my own blog, battlethebeast.blogspot.com to share my story and my poetry with others. I hope I can help support other people. I just started and am somewhat lame at using the computer and blogging. I hope to learn more and be able to share picture with others. God bless for now.
You are truly an inspiration in your ability to continue to move forward and live a life of joy and giving to others, despite the great loss and sadness that you have experienced through Christi's sickness and death. May God continue to bless you and your family.
A request for Aunt Marty! You know those amazing gingerbread houses she makes with your girls... any chance I could get a recipe and some info on how to put one together? Want to do something different this Christmas and no one in Ireland makes them!
I have followed your journey since the beginning, drawing strength from your journals. My son was dx a few months before Christi with a JPA brain tumor. We talked a few times at Childrens, mostly just short hellos in clinic or inpatient. Then shortly after Christis passing i ran into you and Shayla at the Meijers on Columbus Pike in Lewis Center, I think you were headed to Boo at the Zoo. I just wanted to say how very happy I am that you have finished all of your schooling and good luck in the next weeks with gradutaion. CELEBRATE!!! I am so glad to hear your happy. Your family has and always will be in my prayers. Your journals have been helping me for many years as we continue to battle and last Christmas began a new battle as Ryan was Dx with leukemia on Dec 23, from all the chemo/radiation he received at such a young age? He was almost 2 at dx w JPA and now 9 1/2. YOu have helped me so much so thank you and have a great week. God Bless you.
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