Beat of Their Own Drum - Advertiser Tribune

Shayla thought it was pretty funny her "behind" made the newspaper! (Purple shirt, pink headband) She's having an AMAZING school year! We are incredibly pleased with her school district. The teachers are fantastic! As I recently told the superintendent, she's never learned as much as she has this year. Having three gifted / honors classes has really pushed her and kept her motivated and learning. Currently, she's love, love, loving her phys ed class who obviously has a great teacher. I can't believe all she's learning and doing in there - and in all of her classes. We are blessed!
FROM THE GREAT ADVERTISER-TRIBUNE NEWSPAPER: Tiffin Middle School students participate in a cool-down exercise after a drumming activity in their physical education class Wednesday morning. Jeanie Ritter, an instructor at Tiffin Community YMCA, led the drumming activity, which involves students hitting drumsticks on exercise balls for a cardiovascular workout.
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