Feeling Great - Let's Skate!!

Without a doubt "something bad" is brewing, but what is the extent of it and how does it impact the rest of this journey? I don't know - only He does. So we'll put our trust in Him and enjoy every minute of every day we have together! She is one awesome little gal!!!! We are so blessed with these precious gifts - Christi & Shayla!
The bumps (four total) are back in full force today. She woke up with a headache and with her left eye hurting in the middle of the night; therefore, Shayne and I were unable to go back to sleep, worried sick. I've cried more in the past week than I think I have in the entire three and a half years of this battle. I've tried to be strong for so long - years actually, but now I find myself crumbling to tears many times each day. Shayne and I cuddled on the couch in the middle of the night whispering to each other and trying to get back to sleep, but really couldn't. We love her to the moon and back and just wish we could trade places with her. This is so unfair! God has yet to buy into our plea bargaining.
I'm haunted by the "bumps" - about the size of half dollars, a bit smaller and most sore to the touch. (The newsest one at the top of her forehead - disgusting!) And her eyes just don't look "right". I can't really put my finger on it, but I know how this disease loves to attack the orbits of the eyes so that is my fear, and I think come Wednesday's MIBG scan we'll learn that I am not wrong. Around her eyes, they're "puffy" and a bit discolored and enlarged, yet the color of the eyes themselves still a beautiful white. What a doll! This disease is so ugly harming our darling girl like this; how I despise it. I've seen so many children lose their sight because of this horrible cancer and I hate to have her suffer through that too.
With temps in the 60s again - a pleasant Ohio January surprise, Shayne went out for a long afternoon run while Christi and I made peanut butter cookies. (Why does she love creating sweets, but not eating them? There goes that heathy eating plan of mine - again! Smile.) She also created some "Click-It's" sweet Peggy sent and played "Jump Start Advanced Fourth Grade" on the computer. She really feels great and for that we rejoice!!
Realizing that we might as well make the best of times while she continues to feel well she wanted to go ice skating with her friends so we called Theresa and Kaylyn to take them skating. Kaylyn was around and able to go so the girls had a great time together while Shayla took three of her first grade buddies! As you can see from the photo, the girls were darling trying their best to stay upon their feet (or I mean "blades"). Fremont's sweet Jennifer, Michele and Mrs. Lehmen also joines us there - so kind! Great memories, forever to be treasured!
I just sent "Webby" my journal entry and I'm certain Eric will have www.ChristiThomas.com updated with it soon. I'll try to update this blog from Philadelphia. As always, your prayers for strength and wisdom for Dr. Maris, Shayne and I, and for Christi to remain painfree and content are greatly appreciated. Lord, hear our prayers!
I'm praying so hard for you all, and my heart is breaking! I've wanted to let you know how much I love the blogger and being able to check on you everyday, Sweetheart! Stay tough, Cookie!
There are no words anyone can offer to ease your pain, only faith and hope, which you have in abundance. That so many can feel so much for a child they have never met is an amazing testament to Christi and your entire family. As a mother, my heart just breaks for you as you travel this path. Prayers will be with all of you this week as you journey to Philadelphia.
Just wanted to tell you that my heart is aching for you,I have been following Christi's battle with this beast of a disease almost from the beginning.I wanted to let you know I am praying so hard for her and for all of your family,you have two beautifull daughters and I know you are so proud of both of them.
I am sending you my most heartfelt good wishes as I pray for Christi to improve and respond to this new treatment.May God bless you all.
Dearest Angela, Shayne, Christi and Shayla,
Oh how my heart hurt for and with you at these latest "developments" in Christi's health. I'm glad she's feeling so well and so happy. She looks beautiful! What a gorgeous skater she makes.
I'm praying hard for wisdom for you and Shayne, and Dr. Maris as you make decesions. And for Christi to remain pain free and happy.
All of my love, many prayers and tears shed for and with you all,
I love you all dearly!!!
Oh Angela,
Sending you many many prayers for strength, courage, wisdom, clarity, peace, comfort and joy for today and always.
You are living each moment. What an honor to this life that each one of you has been given.
My heart and thoughts are with you.
Thomas Team,
I am thinking about you day and night. I feel your fear, disgust, and hatred of NB. I also feel your love and admiration for your beautiful girls.
Hang together,
I have been following your journey for a while now, and I don't know what to say. You are so brave to share this journey with us. It's a story of love, courage, and faith. I am a firmly believer, and I have no idea why The Lord is allowing this to happen. I am crying while I write this, and my heart aches. I have no idea how bad your pain must be. Only think I know, the Lord is there, at your side, at Christy’s side. He is there, hugging, comforting, why He is not healing your precious child? I read my Bible and I cannot find the answer.
Thank you again, because as a believer, as a Child of God, your journey has helped me to have a better relationship with my Creator. Yesterday I put your precious daughter in our church’s prayer request list. We are praying very hard!
Blessings from Manitoba, Canada
Dear Angela and Shayne -
God is with you. I wish I could help. I don't know how you are doing it - but it is so wonderful to read about everyday activities in the midst of all of this.
I know you haven't much strength - but please hang in there. I will be praying for you as I think of you guys all day long.
God bless all.
Colleen Kashino
I have been following Christi's story since day 1. I have read every journal entry, and now, blog entry that you have posted.
I am so sorry to hear of these latest developments. My heart absolutely breaks for you.
Christi is such an inspiring young lady. She has done more in her 8 years on this earth than most people do in 80. She has been such an inspiration to so many.
Whatever God's plan is for Christi, may He give all of you comfort and strength to face whatever lies ahead. May His loving arms be wrapped around all of you as you face these uncertain times.
Many prayers,
Oh, dear sweet Christi, I'm praying harder than I've ever prayed before (if that's possible). If it would cure Christi, I would pray every moment of the rest of my life. If you ever found yourself alone in Philly, I would like to offer to come up and offer you the support you needed! Wishing you safe travel and the answers you need!
Love and Prayers,
Christi is such a beutiful girl, I have been following her for a long time and am so saddened to hear of the progression. Please know that I am thinking of you and your entire family. You have one special little girl.
My heart just sank when I read that the bumps are back again so I can't even imagine what you are feeling. I want you to know that I'm holding you all close in my thoughts and prayers tonight and I'm still believing in Christi's miracle!!
I am sorry to read this news. I have read your site since 2002, (after searching the web about neuroblastoma after the death of a young aquaintance) rooting so hard for what seems so impossible. I am still hoping and wishing so hard for you. -Abigail
As always I will be praying for Christi and the rest of your family. May the peace that only God can provide stay with you during Christi's tests.
A faithful reader,
Shellie W.
We had so much fun last night...thanks again! :-)
Not like I don't keep Christi in my thoughts and prayers every day, but she will be especially tomorrow and Wednesday. Praying that these bumps are "nothing" and that she continues to feel great.
Love, Jennifer
Dear Christi,
We hope you feel better! We lit candles at church for you today and prayed that you feel better. We hope your tests go well. Hope you're back in school soon.
Brigid and Celie
Hello Thomas family! Oh, nothing short of an abundance of prayers coming your way. Christi, you look like quite the pro on your bike and skates! How I wish I could ice skate! I have two left feet! I'll have to e-mail mom pictures of my brother Stephen's surprise 40th birthday party. His physical therapists were there...Stephen always falls because he doesn't use his walker...so they made him a bubble wrap outfit! They are too funny! What would we do without those special angels...doctors, nurses, therapists....we are praying for your doctor too Christi. Talk to you soon. ~ Sylvia
Dear Thomas Team,
I check on Christi and your whole family daily even though we have never met in person. I learned of your website through a friend/mother of a young girl at my church with NB. I can't even type out that terrible word. I am praying for your darling Christi and each of you during this time of uncertainty. My prayer is, of course, for healing from this dreadful disease. My other prayer is that Christi will continue to feel well like she has been and for these warm days to continue so that you all may enjoy a lot of precious family time together. Prayers for comfort, peace and strenght.
Always remember your are never just hanging in there, you are always standing on the promises..
With love in Christ,
Cheryl B. in NC
Dear Thomas Team,
I've followed your site for a while now. My 16 year old daughter lost her best friend last year to cancer and I came across your site in my research. I want you to know that I really talked to God last night. You are such a strong inspirational family and it is an honor to know you through this site. Christi you are a beautiful girl both inside and out and your positive attitude and bright smile are forever in our hearts. If you ever want to come to San Diego for a visit we would be happy to have you. We love you guys..keep fighting!!
Jodie and Karlie
sorry about the cancer getting worse.I pray for Christi always.I wish that she would get better.Your family is in my prayers- your 7th grade student, Carolyn Kuzma
Hi Mrs. Thomas! Were all so sorry to hear about the cancer getting worse! Christi is so strong!! Were all praying for christi and her family! your 8th grade students Andrea Laugherty, and Samantha Lawrence.
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