Not Today Either

(PHOTO: I wish she were still feeling like this now! This was taken while at CHOP last week. It reminds me of when I was pregnant with her and Dr. Cordero did an ultrasound and said, "I think it's a girl, but until I see a cell phone I'm not going to say it's a girl." Looks all girl to me! Chatting and shopping!!)
Last night Christi finally perked up and watched a DVD while making those cute little balloons clowns blow up and twist. (She's really good at it!) She ate a popsicle (first thing all day) and I thought things were on the upswing. I emailed my wonderful substitute teacher informing him I thought we'd both be back at school on Friday.
The shot was hard last night. At one point Christi said, "Dad, give it to Buttercup instead. I don't care if it kills her. I don't want that shot!!!" Christi loves her cat; therefore, I knew how horrible the injection was.
Then midnight arrived and her horrible pain was back. Her mouth/throat sores from the chemo, her eyes and her headaches all returned. We gave her different pain medications at various points throughout the night. I woke her at 6:00 AM and asked if she thought we could go to school or if I should call Mr. Jones to teach for me today and she whispered, "Call Mr. Jones". So sadly I did. She just loves school and I know how much she wants to get back to school and her friends!
Today she's complained that her back hurts as does her head, especially where the bumps are. I said, "I didn't feel any bumps yesterday." She said, "They're tiny now, but they really hurt." She ate a bit of a milkshake, and a few spoonfuls of Cheerios but that's all so far today.
Thankfully, it appears that Shayla just had a case of a "nervous stomach". She was fine at Mrs. Depinet's and fine at Grandma Nee Nee's. I do think she has been very worried about Christi and perhaps this is what happened. (She's also not very fond of school although I am always happy to get responses from staff about how polite she is.) I wish we had a guidance counselor at our k-8 school so that Shayla could talk to someone, but funding cuts a couple of years ago removed that option. Shayla seems okay, but I really wonder what's going on and how we can help her.
Well, Grandma Nee Nee used to be really high on my "I want to grow up and be just like you list" but all that has changed in the past 24 hours!!!!! (She's #1 on Shayla's list now, but not mine.) Grandma Nee Nee bought Shayla the pet she's been wanting - and not just ONE, but TWO HAMSTERS! Furthermore, Nee Nee didn't think they belonged in her condo as Shayne and I suggested, but in Shayla's room. Happy 7th Birthday, Shayla! (And how do you know if they're male or female? I'm thinking we may have TONS of hamsters in days to come.) ARGHGFGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!! OK, I'm over it now. Yet when Christi woke up today she asked, "Why does Shayla have three pets and I only have one?" Oh my!!
So Shayla arrived home this morning to get changed into fresh clothes to go to school. Well we didn't communicate clearly enough to Nee Nee as she told Shayla no school today and she was coming home. When Shayla walked in the house at 8:00 AM I had her clean clothes lined up. She told me that Nee Nee said no school and I had to tell her that wasn't correct. She ran past me and locked herself in her upstairs bedroom sobbing. This is so hard! I'm anxious for her to come home from school today - except she'll probably ask me to hold one of her furry critters! YIKES! I love you sweet Shayla!
I'm so sorry to hear that Christi is still having so pain in her mouth and throat and head and eyes too. Poor sweetheart. I'll be praying for that specifically.
I'm glad Shayla wasn't ill for too long- that's good news. So, so funny about the hamesters- totally sounds like something only a Grandma would do. :)
Lots of Love,tons of prayers,
I love you all!!
I know that no words can make any of this easier, but your family is truly an inspiration to everyone that you encounter. Your courage, grace, determination, and faith are more than amazing. I will continue to pray for your family often.
Go Christi, Go!
Thomas team. Here's a little something I wanted to pass along:
bring you new energy by day,
softly restore you by night,
wash away your worries,
blow new strength into your being
gently through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life.
-apache blessing
All of you will forever be in my prayers.
Dear Sweet Christi -
I wish I could take your shots for you. No child should have to be going through what you are going through.
Just try to keep in mind that they should make you better!!
Thank you so much for the Thomas team to keep everyone informed!! I do not know how you do it.
Being a parent is difficult enough without this!
Prayers Always and Often!!
Congratulations Shayla on "scoring" some hamsters! I am an auntie (almost as fun as being a grandma)and love being able to spoil my little ones too. Covering you all in prayer and love as you keep faithfully walking day by day.
Much Love, Jessica in CA
Hi Thomas team we will continue to keep you in our daily prayers. We will especially keep little Shayla in our prayers this very hard for this little girl to cope with . Keep praising the Lord. Have a great weekend Christi :) :)
The church of the Nazarene has a heart for you all .
UpperSandusky, Ohio
Prayers for little Christie, and I swear, hamsters are lovely once you've held one...but i would put them in two cages, even if they are same sex they can fight each other once they are mature and its not pretty. So hope Chrisitie can have some happy time XXX
Sending BIG hugs from Michigan today, along with hopes that the weekend will bring better days for Christi.
Thomas Team,
Sorry Christi didn't make it to school today either. And about Shayla's nervous stomach, maybe you are right she needs someone to talk about it all. But glad she got two hampsters!
Here's praying any more shots go smoothly.
Shayla, this comment is just for you.. you are a very smart and brave little girl, i know things must be rough for you but you are the best little sister ever.. stay strong for your big sis and parents. they all love you sooo very much......
Hi Angela,
I used to give all my classroom gerbils' babies to the local pet store. Now that you have two hamsters, I can only recommend that you put them in separate cages. See? Problem solved. I just wish it was that easy to cure Christi.
We're praying for her on every detail you write about in the blogspot. I hurt for her, and for you parents. It's hard to put neosporin on my son's boo-boos, and to read that you have to give her such a painful shot just breaks my heart. So I pray for all of you every day.
Thank you for keeping us updated.
Lynne Wynn
Come on Christi! Keep fighting girl! Hope you feel better REAL soon!
Megan in NC
Hello Thomas family-
I hope the weekend is better for all of you and especially a Happy Birthday for Shayla.
I'll be thinking of you Christi! I pray you will feel better - I miss your funnies.
OK... With our language differences I seem to not know what a HAMSTER is??
Please Shayla - I need a picture of your new pets.
Colleen - Kaitlyn's mum
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