Support For Christi Thomas

This blog is to help offer support to the Thomas Family and their daughter, Christi, in her battle against cancer. Please visit Christi's website at to learn more. There, you'll find journals, photos and a lots of other information about this amazing child and her family.

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

$1,000 Christi Thomas Scholarship for a Dance Unlimited Senior

In her nine short years, Christi Thomas repeatedly demonstrated her passion for the arts and her love for learning. In her memory, the Christi Thomas Memorial Fund was established to facilitate her desire to help others and to leave a lasting legacy.
Although her disease and the required travel for cancer treatments could ravage her body and take her away from her home and friends, it could never take away her rich experiences, which often included the arts and her desire to do good deeds.
Despite four years of continuous treatments, Christi always delighted in returning to Tiffin to dance with Dance Unlimited whenever she was able. She adored all of her teachers and called her classmates her friends.
The Christi Thomas $1,000 Scholarship - awarded each year to a Dance Unlimited graduating Senior will allow other dancers, like Christi, to continue their love of learning.

Checking Daddy's Watch: Is it time to dance at the Ritz yet? (Christi's first dance recital - June 2002, age 5 years 1 month)
At the end of the recital, Christi was called up on age. Her dance teacher presented her with her pair of pointe shoes which had been signed by all of the girls in Christi's ballet class. Christi gave flowers to her teacher and director, received a standing ovation and then gave this impromptu bow which cracked us up!
Unable to dance at the 2003 recital due to living at the Ronald McDonald House in NYC for 9 months that year Christi came back to the Ritz and was reunited backstage with her awesome dance teacher - Kathy.
June 2004 - the Thomas team
Ready for "The Ritz" performance (June 2005, age 8)
Christi added a jazz class for the 2005-06 year and she really loved that too.One of my favorite photos. Christi's Grandma Nonee gives her flowers after her dance (June 2006, age 9)


At 8/2/07 7:18 AM, Blogger melissamaren said...

What a great legacy you all are leaving in Christi's name. I can't imagine how many people these scholarships will help... it's fantastic!!! I'm sure Christi is up in heaven beaming with pride! :)

At 8/2/07 6:14 PM, Blogger Kait said...

What a wonderful way to use Christi's memory money with these scholarships. I know she would be so proud! I love you guys.

At 8/2/07 8:25 PM, Blogger HeatherB said...

Ahh a perfect tribute to the Dancer who danced right in and stole my heart!

May God continue to hold you close!

Lots of love and prayers,


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