After a week of having successfully completed my Ph.D., I think my feet finally hit the ground. On Tuesday of last week I met Shayne for lunch and he took me to the bike shop where he bought me the cutest green (old lady) bike you've ever seen - I love it! Basket, big seat for my big bottom, a bell, pedal breaks, a "step through" space so I don't have to try to swing my leg up over the bar - it's so cute (so lime green) and comfortable! Now I'm hoping for the weather to warm up so I can ride it.

Yesterday, we hosted a "mini-graduation party" for my family who could make it. (Trust me it's the first of many celebrations to come, smile. I feel like it was so grueling I should celebrate for months - so I will!) Mom and Joe brought this beautiful cake, wow! I just wish Christi would have joined us in person. I believe she was indeed with us in spirit!

BGSU's School of Teaching and Learning sent flowers to my office on Monday of last week so I brought them home for the party decorations. My new colleagues have been wonderful, absolutely great! My students - simply amazing. (Who knew Joe could shop too - a man of many talents!) He picked out this darling OSU purse for me; I love it! Then he worried if it'd be a conflict of interest at BGSU. I assured him I also see a lot of OSU items on campus and my boss even stopped by my office door and inquired, "Where is he?" To which I looked back at her with great puzzlement then she said, "Every professor around here who graduated from Ohio State has a Brutus somewhere in their office." I immediately pointed to my file cabinet magnet of Brutus and started laughing and she said, "I knew it."

Only one "orb" appeared in this picture. I found it interested it was positioned so well in our family shot (right beside Joe in that open space - amazing! I miss that girl!

On Monday, one of my classes surprised me with this gorgeous (and delicious) cake. I'm thinking they probably thought they could get out of some class time, but I did what I always do, "We've got a lot to do and short amount of time to do it in so 'so and so' please cut and pass out the cake." I recently had something very funny (now it's funny - trust me, it wasn't at the time) happen. When I posted my students' grades on line they started texted and emailing me with inquires. Apparently I put a negative in front of every one's score by accident. One of the students emailed, "If my work was really that bad could I just take a zero instead of a -46 out of 50." Oh, I couldn't get to my computer fast enough. Thankfully, they all forgave the new professor and I'm willing to bet I will not make that mistake ever again - other mistakes? Absolutely, just not that one. hee hee!

Shayne and I enjoyed the OSU game last night while Shayla had a great time at a birthday party. Later today I will take her and a friend to Cedar Point. I'm so glad she's enjoying her new school and her new friends. What a relief!
One day this week she will be coming to BGSU to be a guest speaker for a short part of my class. (Thankfully, another student is going to babysit her while I have other things to do.) Shay's prepared her "book talk" and "Q & A session" so my M/C students (preparing to teach grades 4-9) can hear from a "real 5th grader" then to the real reason she's coming to Bowling Green - to meet an author. (PIC: Working on a HEIGHTS project "Northeastern USA" with help from Shayne and with many calls to her NYC friend "for school work" - yeah, for lots of talking and catching up with her old preschool buddy from her Ronald McDonald House of NYC days she still keeps in touch with is what we think.)
Thanks for letting me share my joy! Here's wishing you and yours a fabulous week ahead - ENJOY!!
You deserve MANY celebrations of your awesome accomplishment Angela! SO glad you're doing just that!
I haven't checked in w/you guys in a while - I'm glad I did! Congrats on your Ph.D.! I know you worked hard for it and I am so happy for your family! You've come so far!
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