(PIC: Christi, August 2002, first day of school - first grade) Shayne and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the Open House held last night at Shayla's middle school. The parents followed their middle schooler's schedule spending ten minutes in each class and having two minutes to change classes. Wouldn't you know it, we were late to 7 out of 8 of her classes, because we were sidetracked talking, so I'm sure we racked up some detentions for Shayla to serve for us! Hee hee! Shayne was also caught by the principal using his cell phone, but the principal said, "No problem. You can have Shayla's warning and then Shayla will just get her phone taken away if she ever tries to use it during school." We thought that was perfectly fine too. Hee hee! During the "lunch period" we enjoyed cookies in the cafeteria. When Shayne helped himself a second time, I said, "Are you trying to bully the 8th grade parents by eating all of their lunch?" He said, "No, just doing the teachers' waists a favor so that these don't all end up left over in the teachers' lounge tomorrow."

(PIC: August 2003, 2nd grade - back after a long year away) We learned a little bit more about Shayla's days at middle school from her teachers and from other parents. As soon as we sat down in the first class, the mother sitting beside us leaned over and whispered, "So I hear your daughter is quite a daredevil." (Trust me, that's not exactly what you want to hear, especially as the very first thing any one says to you upon arrival!) I picked my jaw up off the floor, smiled and replied, "Oh, you must tell me more. I have no idea what you are talking about, but I'd really like to hear all about that." She said, "Oh, my son is in advanced science with Shayla and today they were trying out their egg containers to see who made one that would keep the egg from breaking. My son is afraid of heights so when he said he didn't want to climb up the ladder to drop his Shayla said, "I'll do it!" so she did. Oh, whew! That was a perfect response. Shayla is no longer in trouble! That was a long 30 seconds.

(PIC: August 2004, third grade) As we are nearing "difficult" days/anniversaries, etc., we are trying to keep distracted and busy. I had another awesome week enjoying my work immensely and also walking every day and enjoying some precious time (never enough) with friends and family.

(PIC: August 2005, Christi, fourth grade - *year wrong on photo date stamp)Shayla continues to love and thrive at her school. We could not be any more pleased with her middle school. We are so grateful she's where she is! It's a terrific blessing! Tonight we will attend our first football game as Shayla has been invited to join some friends.

(PIC: August 2006, open house, fifth grade, arranging her desk she would get to attend school for the first five days before she died)
What I always appreciate about Christi, is the bracelets she made to welcome new classmates. I came to a new school and country as a refugee from war. I was a profoundly anxious and terrified child. Christi's gesture would have made me feel safe and meant the world to me---the world. I feel the tears coming too easily this September. Tears aren't enough. The work continues. Those bracelets are just one more testament to Christi's remarkable character and family. 'Twas the Night Before School Starts, Christi's poem, also remains fresh in my mind. Your family teaches me every day, how to live.
I love all these pictures of sweet Christi!
Love Holly
Katy, TX
Hello! I just happened to hit the 'next blog' link at the top of the page after reading a friend's blog and it landed on your blog. I've spent the past hour or so just reading through your newer posts and then skipping to the older ones. I have tears streaming down my face. I just wanted to pass along to you that Christi's story as well as your family has just touched me. Thanks for sharing your journey and allowing us a glimpse of your sweet girl's life! I admire your faith and trust in Him! Praying for your family tonight!
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