Our Christmas Day Hike - simply gorgeous! I never checked my phone during our hike at the park. Getting ready to drive back to our home I pulled it out and was surprised to find out that my sister and her family had driven three hours to our home and we weren't there. We never really set up a time so I thought they'd arrive much later. What a hoot! We weren't there! Thankfully, we were just ten minutes away.

Shay had a glorious time with her three awesome cousins! My sister and I even talked the others into going to see "The Tourist" with us again so that we could watch it a second time. Shayla and all of the females in the group loved it!

"Santa" arrived!

It was so nice that Nee Nee could join us on Christmas morning!

Opening her stocking on Christmas morning.

Family Picture: Christmas Morning 2010

Shayla received some Cupcake Supplies, including this apron.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to The Thomas Team :)
Shayla has gotten so tall and beautiful!
Merry Christmas! Glad that you all had a great time! Did you know that Christi's name is on the Band of parents website memorial page? Check it out!
It's so nice Christi will ALWAYS be remembered even by people who never got the privilege to meet her.
I see little Ms. Christ made her appearance in your family photo, far right hand corner, near the top of the tree... Amazing!!!
Glad you all had a beautiful Christmas
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