Received back the revisions and with the exception of the quotation marks going the wrong way, we are fine with it and we've ordered it. I didn't want to put it on here until Shayla saw it first. Shayla approves! I hope Christi does too!
Shayla has been quite the busy young lady with activities and slumber parties. We snagged her this afternoon for a trip back to the Toledo Museum of Art for Japanese flute playing, amazing! Shayla said the plaque was fine. We cried a little. I hope Christi would like it too. When I told the gentleman, who suggested pink, for the stone that Christi didn't like pink, but I thought it was perfect for a little girl - heck I used it for her whole "funeral color scheme" despite the fact a seven year old Shayla told me at the funeral home that Christi liked teal blue and Chrisi wouldn't like all this pink. The monument guy told me, "It can also be called Mountain Rose" so I said, "Yes, we'll go with that!" It's not pink, Christi, it's "Mountain Rose" and I love and miss you sooooooooo much, sweetpea!
Dear Angela
I have been a Thomas Team supporter since early 2006. And I have read so often about your hesitance in ordering Christi's grave marker.
It is beautifully simple and I think the image of her face is wonderful.
I know nothing will ever stop the hurt you feel in missing her but I hope that now this marker is ordered and when it is in place, you can feel some peace in crossing 'Order Grave Marker' off your to do list.
Prayers continue for you all from us here in Australia.
Michelle x
Having a cancer is really difficult to accept. These only shows that we treasure our life and do what is righteous and enjoy life to the fullest. :D
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