God's Special Doll!

God has certainly shown His light of love upon our little one. (And so have God's sweet people - some of whom we've never even met! Note the brand new American Girl Doll - Jess, in this photo. It was sent here today! Unbelievable joy! When Christi screamed with delight I told her, "Shhh! The nurses will come running! THANK YOU!!!) The past 24 hours have been entirely different from the previous 48! Whew! While we won't really know of her response to this chemo attempt for a few weeks, I truly believe the modern medicine is working. Today she kept her eyes open the entire day. She says they're still sore, but much better. Her headaches are gone - for today anyway. Dr. Maris said if she feels as well tomorrow after the chemo, he'll give her a "pass" (get out of jail free card, I think) to get out of the hospital for a few hours to give her a break from this place. Yahoo!!!
THANK YOU to my Internet friend of three years from Philadelphia- and one who knows first hand what it's like to treat your child's cancer in a far way city - we are enjoying a home cooked meal tonight! Andrea's own child (Matthew) has been bravely fighting a nasty brain tumor for much longer than Christi has, yet she always reaches out to offer her love and assistance to us. Amazing! (Matthew's website is in "Christi's Clubhouse" and he could certainly use additional prayers at this very difficult time!!) It was fabulous to finally meet beautiful Andrea in person toady!!
The conversation I had been dreading came up today while Christi played with the darling Grant girls in the playroom. "Mom, am I going to lose my hair with this chemo?" Trying to be very calm, in a matter of fact manner I replied, "Yes, honey, but it'll grow back and I thought we could get some stylish hats and maybe even some tops with a hat to match." "Can I get a wig this time - like my own hair?" "Yes, and I thought we'd cut yours off and donate it to Locks of Love to help another cancer patient out." "Can they make my wig with my own hair?" "Probably. I'll ask them." "Thanks, I just wanted to be able to tell my friends. And I thought that's why you weren't making me brush these rats out of my hair." Whew! That was A WHOLE LOT easier than I EVER anticipated! Now when the event happens in less than two weeks, it's going to be A WHOLE LOT harder, I imagine - but right now I think she's okay! I dread other kids making fun of her for being bald. She didn't mind as a five year old, but as a fourth grader - it's going to be tough!
Shari told me they're expecting a foot of snow back home tonight, it has been beautiful here..From Shayne: "Record high temperature here in Philly beckoned me to take a long city run. Since Christi was happy and feeling well I hit the streets. I ran through University City, across to the Schuylkill jogging trail, then up to the museum where I ran the famous "Rocky" steps several times, (I remember Christi running up them with hemoglobin of 8.0! fall 2003 http://www.christithomas.com/images/1314.jpg) then down past boat house row into Fairmont Park. After a nice hard run there is nothing better than stopping for Soul Food from a street vender-fried chicken, rice and beans, and collard greens. My rule for street vendors is that if there is a line then the food must be good. If no one is eating there then buyer beware!"
Thank you everyone for your outpouring of love and support during these most difficult of times!! We've been so blessed to have you praying and shaking your pom poms for Christi, our little American girl!
***********WE'RE MOVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've just been informed that they are moving us down to the THIRD floor - oncology!!!! If you've been calling Christi's room she will now have a new telephone number.
All I can say is "you guys are amazing!" The generosity and thoughtfullness of keeping all us cyber folk up to date with what's going on is incredible.
Thank you.
From the bottom of my heart I wish you had NOTHING to update about but knowing I can come here and find out how sweet Christi is doing makes me at least feel I can put my thoughts and prayers to work.
Go Christi go! Keep smiling, playing and being your beautiful self. And Shayla, you just must be the best sister ever. Sending you all lots of love,
Thomas team I am so very happy to read that christi is feeling better and having some relief I have been praying so hard the last 3 days since I learned of christi's progression. May the LORD continue to bless each and everyone of you Thank god for the small miracles Much Love from your nb family Jonel mom to Angel Elijah
Hi Thomas Team,
Praise God for answered prayers. I love your new American Girl Doll Christi. You and Jesse look great together.
I hope you can get your pass out of the hospital tomorrow.
Shayne- I'm smiling as I read about your city run and soul food afterwards sounds great to me. Makes the run worth it huh?
Angela- The greatest Mommy ever!! I'm soo glad your friend Andrea (I shall pray for her Matthew tonight along with Christi) was able to bring you some home cooked dinner.
Lots of Love, tons of prayers,
Oh Christi! You're doll is beautiful and so are you! What a lucky little girl you are! You sure do deserve it though! Sweetie, I know it's hard to have to think about losing your hair again, but you're beautiful inside and out, with or without hair! And I personally think you look just adorable in hats. I was wondering if it would be okay if I called you tomorrow. I hate to do so without asking first because I know you're probably very busy playing and taking calls. Let me know! I'm so glad you're feeling better. Do you like to read American Girl books or just play with the dolls?
Lots of Love and Prayers for The Thomas Team,
I am glad she is feeling better :) I realize you dont know me but i did send christi a packaged today in the mail since they are moving her wiil she still be able to get her gift I hope so Continued prayers in ohio
I'm so thrilled to read today's notes! I'm another who has been quietly following Christi's story and praying along. The Lord is so faithful to answer the prayers of His children! The last few days have been such a roller coaster of emotion for you guys - isn't it nice to have such a loving Rock of a Father to lean on?!! And isn't He wonderful to have lined up all this behind-the-scenes support - I hope it encourages you to know that He hasn't missed a detail, right down to strategically placing people all over the world who have grown to love your family even though we've never met you. Our prayers are so fervent and earnest because Christi isn't just an anonymous child - she feels like family to all of us who check daily (and now hourly!) for updates. I guess you've come to realize that there's an army of us out here, and we are bombarding our Lord with petitions on behalf of your sweet princess! May Christi live in divine health, in Jesus' name. Amen!
I am so glad to hear Christi is feeling so much better. She is just beaming about that doll!
Susan Gentry
Okay you guys
I am celebrating with a martini right now so please excuse me if there are any typo’s becaue I am not a big drinker!!!
It came to me in a dream last night.. I am so attached to Christi because she looks so much like my daughter did when she was 5 and 6 and 7 and 8……
We have to send her something here from San Diego. Please tell me what would make her happy. We spent so many hours last year at Childrens Hospital with my daughters best friend Lane who became an angel in February 05 that we just want to have a happy ending this time, and I really believe that we are going to!!!
e-mail is jodiefrench@netscape.net.
So much love !!!
Jodie and Karlie
Thank you God! I'm so glad to read this update - I know you're not out of the woods yet, but way to go Christi!! You just keep kicking cancer's butt! What an inspiration you are to everyone who reads your site - you are such a brave, strong young lady. Keep it up, sweetheart. We are all praying for you.
PRAYER WARRIORS ROCK! Keep those prayers coming! Our God is an AWESOME God, and he hears us! Lord, heal dear Christi! Let the chemo kill every single cancer cell! She has so much left to do in this world!! Lord, give her strength to fight this beast.
"Always keep on praying."
Lord hear our prayer! HEAL CHRISTI THOMAS!!!!!!!!
Megan in NC
I'm so happy to see you smiling. You are both beautiful! I'm glad your feeling better.
God Bless, Love, Ellen
I absoultely adore the new picture of the dancer.
My prayers for Christi shall continue.
Lots of Love, tons of prayers,
Thank God your all feeling a little better today. I'm praying for you every morning. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Love Always, David J. Kay
I was so happy to wake up this morning and see the good news. I prayed so hard that this chemo would start kicking NB butt. I had the feeling of so many bad things while reading your journal. I lost my son Cameron age 4 to NB this last summer July 05. I was so scared for you all. I have lots of great relief now after reading today. May God stick by your sides.
Jamie Carey Angel CAmerons Mommy
Hey to the Thomas'. I just wanted to let you know that i am praying for christi and i have my whole youth group praying for her too. I was planning on sending her a package but i had no idea what she liked. So you could email me some of the things she likes to do or wants. My email is iluvpeanutbutter1@yahoo.com. God Bless!
Love and Prayers,
Mandi Shingledecker
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