The plan...maybe

We now have oral confirmation from Dr. Maris that the disease is much much worse. The liver may be involved and they are doing a CT-Scan to determine if the disease is in her brain. After the CT they are going to admit her to get her pain under control. The recommendation is to start Topotecan Vincristine and Doxirubican today. There were a few other options, however, we felt it best to allow Maris to just call this one. In the long run we may not beat ourselves up as much and that may just be better on several levels. Very clearly, we asked to be informed if we were giving futile treatment. We can not be selfish. Maris gave us his word that he would let us know if that were the case. On the other side of that issue we also stated plainly that we were willing to bear any cost in time, money, and effort to give her a shot at another good year of life.
Thank you for your continued support. Hopefully, your regularly scheduled blogger (Angela) will be back online tonight. I put a picture of Christi on top that shows her undaunted by the disease...the thought of the disease overtaking her is too much to bear.
Prayers for Christi's healing. Prayers for strength for you - her wonderful parents. Prayers for Shayla who should never have to contemplate losing her best friend sister. Prayers for Dr. Maris to have made the right choice.
There are so many of us pulling for you all.
Love and more,
God bless you dear child.
Praying for strength for the whole family.
I'm praying hard for your precious princess Christi.
Praying for good pain control and for this chemo to knock the disease back,so you can have some more good quality time with Christi.
You and Angela are the best parents any girls could wish for- what a great world we'd have if everyone loved their kids and was as concered and committed to them as you two.
I love you guys!!
With love and prayers,
Hello sweet family. I found this website through my Caring Crew group. I wanted to let you know I will be praying for sweet Christi. she is absolutley beautiful. May God bless your family and give you clear answers to treatment. I will be following everyday. Much love from Nevada.
Much love,
Colleen Kashino
I have a daughter who is 5 and since I started reading your website and now your blog I look at her in a whole new way. Just know that your journey, hard as it may be, is enriching others lives in ways you probably never imagined. I could never endure what you have gone through and still be able to care for myself, my husband, and my other child. I would be so broken. You all have such a's inspiring. I pray so very hard for your family. It's just so damn unfair!!! I just want to scream from the injustice of it; I cannot imagine how you must feel. I hope I never have to know but I believe that God only chooses the very strongest and most special among us to travel these roads to show and teach the rest of us some very valuable lessons of love, determination, and never taking any little thing for granted. Wishing you peace . . . .
Thank God for blogs! I will pray so hard for litle christie - more time, more good time, more great time, please, please, please. I wonder at what point does praying turn into begging. He has a plan, but this is so so hard to accept. Prayers up prayers.XXX
My heart is heavy reading your updates. Praying , and praying some more, also for Dr Maris and the team to make the right choices, and for sweet Christi's pain to subside, bless her heart. Praying for Shayla, for all she has to endure. Dear God, PLEASE heal Christi, on earth, so she can grow up with her sister and mommy & daddy, Im begging you lord, please. With much love and hugs
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