Small Step Forward?

Christi woke up about 8:00 AM and has been awake ever since! We put together a horse puzzle, played Connect Four and Monopoly Jr. and now (as you can see) she's playing a keyboard I found in the playroom. She's had a banana and hot chocolate.
The resident greeted me this morning with the fact that her phosperates (Sp.?) are high and they've started two different meds to help bring those salt levels down. When I inquired more I was told that they're not that high; it's not an emergency situation but they want to get them down before it becomes serious. Since this is a new problem to me, I'll be trying to learn about it, but as it was explained to Shayne and I out in the hallway this happens when tumor cells are dying. (The nurse behind the doctor had a huge smile on her face!) Christi's eyes are hurting her today, but the left one looks better. She also said that the numbness in her jaw, mouth and cheeks is not much today. (PRAISE GOD!!!!) She's been laughing, giggle and awake - back to her old self. (Now we pray it lasts ALL day! She's so much fun - even if she wasn't thrilled that I didn't pack her piano music. I can just imagine how the nurses would laugh to pull that off of their fax machine!)
Her blood counts were okay. Platelets have really fallen - now down to 100. Hgb. 11.3 white count down to 3.1 with an ANC of 1600. Today's chemo will begin shortly.
Oh so glad for this small step forward- and for the fact that Christi is feeling up to playing the keyboard.
I'm praying that it lasts all day long!!
Lots of love, tons of prayers,
PRAISE GOD!! All I can think is the song from the Wizard of Oz..."DING DONG some tumor cells are dead..."
Christi looks much better than yesterday. Keep up the good work TVD and we all be praying!
Beth Sullivan
GO Christi GO!! Love & prayers to the T-Team!
Praise God for these miracles! I've been praying for Christi since I heard about her...I'm so glad these prayers are doing something. Thankyou for your strength in posting on this blog to keep the rest of us updated, and thankyou Christi for being such an amazing person.
I am continuing to pray that ALL the cancer will leave precious Christi's body. I pray she has a good day today and continues to laugh, giggle and stay awake. Lord, please control the pain and continue to let this chemo work. I pray for Christi's healing here on earth. God is good all the time, All the time God is good!! Die tumor cells Die!!!
Praise God for all steps forward! You are ever in my prayers.
Our God is good! I pray that you and Shayne will take joy in every moment worth celebrating...smiles, giggles, games, and the like!!
Huge Prayers and Love from California, Jessica
Praise God! He is SO good. All I have to say is die tumor cells die! We never want to see you again in sweet Christi's body!
I so hope Christie has a good day, and many more good days. What a horrible nasty disease - prayers for you munchkin.
Our God is Awesome!! Keep fighting Christi! Die Tumors, Die!!!!!!
Prayers coming your way from Kansas.
Our God is Awesome!! Keep fighting Christi! Die Tumors, Die!!!!!!
Prayers coming your way from Kansas.
Just to let you know that we are continuing to pray for full recovery. Revel in his kindness today.
-bob o.
I am so glad that Christi is feeling better today. Praise God for all his miracles, small and BIG. I have been praying in earnest for a HUGE miracle for Christi. She is such a beautiful person with a very special family. Christi - be strong sweetie, you can beat this awful thing - never lose hope. Down on my knees constantly for Christi and other children with NB in Grand Rapids, MI.
Hi sweetie!
I'm praying your good day continues. I'm amazed at your piano playing ability. I have not one musical bone in my body.
Angela and Shayne-May God wrap his loving arms around you and may you feel His presence like never before. You guys are the greatest parents.
I love you all dearly!!
Many prayers, much love,
Good luck, Christi, continuing to send healing thoughts your way and of course to the family too.
Love from Karen & The Code Blue Family
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