Animal Lover's Afternoon

She needed the wheelchair as she’s been having bone pain in her legs which I attribute to being a side effect from the Nulasta. Tonight she’s saying that now her stomach hurts in the same manner. Regardless, I’ll be happy to be meeting with Dr. Maris at the hospital tomorrow. So far, no fever!
As I rolled her away from the animal hospital I asked her if she wanted to stroll or go right back to Ronald. She said we could stroll so I took off. Soon she was pointing to her left – to her favorite used book store. I asked if she really wanted to go as I had to lift her heavy carriage up some steps; she did – so I did. And so glad am I we did! You see after reading one chapter of a book in a chapter collection at the hospital, she wanted to read the rest of the one book. She asked for it at the Barnes & Noble on campus and learned it was an out of print book. Today’s used bookstore has a tremendous adult section; however, their children’s section is only about 100 books I estimate. Well, much to our delight and amazement they had that book, and it was a mere $1.75!! “This proves it; there is a higher Being, ” I went downstairs and told the store owner who follows Christi’s website. We’re currently on chapter four!
That is great that you guys had a good day. I bet Christi loved all the animals. Good job finding the book especially for so cheap. I hope the bone pain subsides and no fever comes. I'll keep her in my prayers, as always.
I'm so glad Christi is still able to be out and about. The weather is supposed to get warmer for the weekend so hopefully she'll still feel great then. How are the critters at home doing? I haven't heard anything about the hamsters. Take care and prayers are still going up!!
Love and Blessings,
I can't believe you found that book! That's amazing. I'm thinking of you girls while you're all alone. I wish we were still there, I miss you both so much!
Love you!
Angela, While Eden was doing her once a day shots, my step mother was doing the Nulasta. She had a lot of bone pain and I have heard this from many other people about Nulasta. Try not to worry to much! Christi, you look wonderful and happy. I am so pleased at how well you are handling your new treatment. Eden and I read your Blog every day. Please let us know if you are ever in Columbus. we would love to do lunch..
Lisa Adams (Mom of Eden)
Someone sent me this today, and though you probably have read it before, I thought of you and prayed for you when I read it. love, Sylvia
DANCE with God
When I meditated on the word GUIDANCE, I kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word.
I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing. When two people try to lead, nothing feels right. The movement doesn't flow with the music, and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky. When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead, both bodies begin to flow with the music.
One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back or by pressing lightly in one direction or another. It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully. The dance takes surrender, willingness, and attentiveness from one person and gentle guidance and skill from the other.
My eyes drew back to the word GUIDANCE.
When I saw "G," I thought of God, followed by "u" and "i." "God, "u" and "i" dance."
God, you, and I dance. As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust that I would get guidance about my life. Once again, I became willing to let God lead.
My prayer for you today is that God's blessings and mercies be upon you on this day and everyday. May you abide in God as God abides in you. Dance together with God, trusting God to lead and to guide you through each season of your life
I am glad to hear that Christi is doing some of the things that she loves so much. I will continue to pray that she stears clear of any fevers and that her pain subsides. She is the most courageous little fighter I know!
What great pictures of Christi and Daddy! Both of them look great.
I'm so glad that sweet Christi found delight at the animal hospital and the used book store! I love my books too. :)
I'm sorry she's been having bone pain poor thing- hope that improves soon.
A big HUG to you both! Tons of love, many prayers!
I love you guys!!
Great pictures....I love that little girls smile, it's contagious!! I keep Christi in my prayers, along with your family. Take care!
Hi Christie
I always pray for good days for you and it sounds like an animal hospital and a fabulous book find amounts to a very good day indeed. Love and prayers for your whole family,
I heard a quote today and it made me think of you. So, I thought I would share.
"Life may not be the party we hoped for but while we're here we might as well dance."
I love reading about how much you are doing and how much fight you have!
What an inspiration Christi is. I hope that the fevers stay away and that the pain gets better. The Thomas family, and especially Christi are in our prayers. We pray for more and more good days, full of things Christi loves to do. Praying, praying, praying.
The Williamson Family
Libby, MT
Hi Christi and Angela
Glad to hear of another great day. Our prayers are working!! I'm sure her bone pain is from the Nulasta (I've heard it causes that)however none the less it is very painful and not fun to deal with. Yet she just keeps smiling...what a beautiful girl you are Christi.
We will pray for the fevers to stay away. So far, so good.
Have another great day.
xoxoJodie and Karlie
Glad you enjoyed your time with the animals. It's so cool that the used book store had the book too. Hope today was a great day.
:) erin
still praying for christi!! ps, i just met traci from cosi tonight! i'm in a play with her here in cols! i'm glad christi gets front row seats at cosi!!!
Sorry Christi I have not posted to you in while but I have been comforting my very best friend that has found out her mother has cancer . But I have continue to pray for you and think about you all the time your a gift from God . Take care my little one . I think me and you have alot in common we both have a love for pets . See you sweet heart .
UpperSandusky , Ohio
Hope you had a GREAT day today! I've been thinking of you and praying hard for you!
Megan in NC
So happy Christi is enjoying her time in Philly! But of course you always make sure that happens. I will always marvel at the courage and will of the Thomas Team!
Colleen Kashino
~Gods promise~
God didn't promise
days without pain,
laughter without sorrow
or sun without rain.
But Gaod did promise
strength fore the day
comfort fore the tears
and light for the way.
And fore all you believe
in His Kingdom above,
He answers their faith
with everlasting love.
Praying for you. Have a great day, Christi!
It's great to see Christi out and about doing things that make her happy,hope today was another good day for Christi.As allways I am Sending Christi and all of your wonderfull family loads of positive thoughts and lots of prayers:)
Dear Thomas Team -
You are ever in my prayers. I am so glad that Shayne was able to visit, will pray that more visits are possible. I'm praying that Christi will feel better, and that Dr. Maris has wisdom as to how to continue to treat Christi. I am praying for strength and courage and continued hope for all of you; and for Shayla's emotional well being, too.
I loved what you shared about the book you found at the used bookstore. It confirms what I have always believed - that God is everpresent in even the smallest details of our lives. He knows our needs, even the seemingly insignificant ones, and He provides for us.
May you feel the abundant love, grace, and peace of our Lord and Savior this day and every day.
Praying that no news is good news for Christi!!! I'm keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Hello Angela and Christi,
I hope you both had a good day today! And YIPEE for finding that book! How great! :)
Praying that there is less bone pain today and that her counts are going up and up and that the LDH level is going down, down.
What a sweet and precious gal Christi is. My hero! My inspiration!!
I love you both soo much and love Shayne and Shayla too!!
With all my love, and prayers,
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