Adventure Interrupted

I knew things were going entirely too well……… except for a queasy morning stomach, the chemo today was a breeze and this afternoon we met up with the wonderful Mr. Grant at the US Mint where we were even treated to “rock star” parking – if I can borrow the exact words from Jenn and Traci. Christi was excited about returning to the US Constitution Center– just across the street from the Mint because she didn’t have enough time there this summer.
The special Franklin exhibit was excellent. After spending about 30 minutes there I decided to call the hospital because I was curious about her blood counts. When I heard a hemoglobin of “five” and a “did we know about this”, etc. I knew things were not well. I told them that we were treated to a special trip we had just started enjoying and that she was zipping around the museum, not cold and her lips look fine so could we please stay until 5:00 when it closed and then come for her blood transfusion? Well, that just got me a “Someone will call you back.” (Her hgb. was 9.5 on Monday and with no outward signs of bleeding there had to be internal bleeding with a hgb. now of 5.0. I was getting worried.) Soon the call came back from the Nurse Practitioner telling me how about a compromise of enjoying the museum for 45 more minutes and then getting right back to the hospital because they wanted to re-test her hemoglobin because it was such a jump and if it really was five it was an emergency situation; she was having internal bleeding. So I told Christi that we would go back to the Constitution Center when we could put on the Supreme Court Justice robes and read and decide upon those important cases and spend as much time as she wants there, but right now we had to turn around and rush back to CHOP. (She and Harriet did manage to get sworn in as US Presidents as we hustled out the door.)
Thankfully, after it was retested it was 7.6 indicating that yes she needs a blood transfusion, but that it can wait until morning. Knowing that may interfere with our fights home for tomorrow, I asked if we should even go home fearing what the answer would be. (Shayne mentioned, “They’re not going to let you go home now.” when I first called him at the Constitution Center in a panic today.) Pat explained with her ANC being so low already, her counts now falling fast and some other things that it would be dangerous to return home for the five days like we had planned. As usual, Christi took the news better than I. I’m really sad. Even if we weren’t going home for long – we were going home. UGH! How I hate this evil cancer monster!
Being greeted by the sweet social worker here at Ronald we learned that there are a few families with “stomach viruses” staying here now. With Christi having a very weakened immune system, she should stay in our room; therefore, Christi will be permitted to eat in our room. (She was happy about that! Watching TV and eating – wow!) Tomorrow when she realizes that Harriet and Elizabeth will be setting sail back to the island, I’m certain there will be big tears – from all four of us. I can't even explain the comfort, support and blessings they have been to me this entire week. (And making the nurses laugh when looking at the three of them putting "tongue tatatoos" on their tongues at the hospital. Soooooooo funny!)
White: 1.4 (low)
Hgb. 7.6 (low) Transfusion tomorrow
Platelets 50 (low) Transfusion probably on Monday here at CHOP
ANC 560 (Yikes! Falling fast! Praying a fever doesn’t accompany it! She does so much better when she’s not in the hospital!)
**Shayne's been very busy with work and with Shayla. When/if time permits, he'll add some photos I took of Christi and the Explorers to these past two entries.
Now of to cancel our flights!
Oh Angela and Christi,
So sorry that you can't go home as planned. Darn this beast!! I hate it too. UGH!!!
I'll be praying that your sweet Christi does indeed avoid a fever and that she'll be able to enjoy the Consitution Center another day.
Love you girls,
Lots of love, tons of prayers and HOPE,
I took Communion to the patients at the hospital today and have asked all of the chaplains to pray for you ... added your name again to the petition book in the we're getting you covered with prayers tonight Christi. Thinking positive that things will go smoothly. Sounds like you have been having a really good time on your excursions though! Went to Philadelphia for a field trip...I think it was when Michele was in 6th grade... my friend Loretta rolled up her pants, took off her shoes and hopped right into the fountains!...and invited the kids to do the same! So funny! was a really hot day Christi, so please don't try that now! ...the principal was NOT a happy camper when she saw the pics. But...two years later when we went back with Meghan's class... Loretta felt the kids should experience a REAL Philly cheese steak....but it was at a bar!...she's from Philly and this was the best! there we are with these kids at the bar... I don't think the principal saw those pictures! We would have never been allowed on another field trip! : ) I hope you have a good night sweetie. love, sylvia
I'm sorry that things started going bad with the hemoglobin and not being able to go home. I hope the transfusion helps and that the after this she will continue to feel better so she doesn;t have to be hospitalized. I also hope she keeps eating and being her happy funny self. you are all in my prayers.
Goooooooooooo President Christi!!!
I'm glad you got to at least have a quick adventure - and heck, who else can say they were sworn in while out on bail (from the hospital heehee)
I hope tomorrow brings more fun adventures, laughs and smiles and continued progress on the road to healing.
Much love,
Praying that this is a very minor setback and the counts return to
'normal' soon.
Hmmmm....Christi and 'Harriet' sworn in as Presidents, this could be a good thing. Are 'Elizabeth' and Shayla going to be their VP's?
My prayers and best wishes are with you all. Keep the faith, this beast will be beaten.
Take care
We are praying for you all, and will continue.
Oh how my heart breaks for you guys!I really wish you guys could go home this weekend!! My prayers are with you guys! Keep fighting Christi!
Hey Thomas Team,
I am a seventeen year old from Andover, MN. I have Thalassemia Major and Congestive Heart Failure. I stumbled onto your site by the Ladybug's Site...Katia...and I just want to say that your daughter is the cutest and the strongest. I love the support that you guys also provide her with. I check in on her daily and hope that these treatments get rid of the ugliness that hides inside her body!
I hope that Christi will get to cuddle her kitty soon. I have a lot of cats, and they can be your best friends! Tell Christi to keep her spirits up and keep reading. I have loved to read since I was little!
Sincerely, Trinayani Christiansen friend Loretta corrected was ROAST BEEF sandwiches (COMBO OVERLOAD) that we had...and it was at a place called Nick's at 2nd and Chestnut. She said the best cheesesteaks are in S. Philly...what can I say, I'm only from Allentown! : ) xoxoxox
I was sorry to hear that your adventures were cut short, but thankful that the count was not as low as first thought to be!
I know you and Christi (and the rest of your family) must be disappointed that you were not able to go home. Our prayers will be that you will be able to go home sooner in the long run!
God is an awesome God and he is hearing our prayers!
The visit with "The Explorers" sounds like it was a blessing to you and to Christi. I wish them safe travels home.
Take care!
Marion, OH
Oh how my heart breaks that you can't go home. :( My prayers are always with you. Keep fighting Christi!! Lord, heal her!!
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