Christi’s Crusaders

Was it the Zofran used to conquer today’s nausea, or the fact that Christi is delighted to have two true sweethearts here entertaining her while she’s getting her chemo? I don’t know, but today’s treatment was a breeze!
And when Pat, the amazing Nurse Practitioner, came to tell me that her LDH level was not only in the normal range, but “her record low ever” I could only start praying. She asked, “Aren’t you even going to smile?” I was doing far more than smiling, I was praising Him for giving Dr. Maris the wisdom to make such a fine choice to fight Christi’s disease!!
Her other blood counts were:
3.5 white (low)
9.5 hgb. (low)
79 platelets (low)
870 ANC
LDH: 576 (normal 420-740) Her LDH 3 ½ weeks ago was nearly 3,600!!
*My numbers are estimates here as I’m away from my print outs right now, sorry, but I think I’m very close on all of these.
We returned back to the Ronald House about 4:00 today. What’s next? Tomorrow will be day of the “topless cyclone” (Hee hee. Inventor Steve and our NB friends know this relapsed cocktail!) and also a dash of vincristine will be added in. We’ll be at the hospital by 8:30 AM and hope to be spending the afternoon at the Natural History Museum – thanks to some great connections our COSI friends (Traci & Jenn) have arranged.
Christi, you are a doll, as usual. Just keep that strong spirit and good humor-those will stand you in good stead. And we'll keep praying for you on this end...hope this round goes smoothly and I'll be praying AGAINST those nasty mouth sores.
Jennifer Saks
What a WONDERFUL picture!! You should blow that one up...frame it...etc! It is priceless!
Wow - what fantastic news on all the counts...especially the LDH!! Way to go, Christi! And God bless Dr Maris. What a wonderful human being. How lucky Christi is to be in his care.
Christi, very nice picture. So glad to hear todays treatment went well.
Hang in there. Those counts will get back to where they belong. And having two of the best friends you could ever ask for there to help keep your spirits up is always a good thing, and a blessing. Those two ladies are amazing.
Praying that between Christi's, and the entire Thomas team's, courage and strength, the God send Dr. Maris, and the love of friends and other family members, this 'demon' will give up and leave soon.
Hope ya'll get to go and enjoy the museum tomorrow. Definitely be a fun field trip.
Be Safe, Be Happy, Take Care, Smile Often, Laugh as much as possible.
My prayers and best wishes are with you always.
Hi Angela and Christi,
You all are probably (hopefully) all tucked in bed for the night since you are on East Coast time! We are glad to hear that you did so well today! It looks like you love to color! So does my daughter Abby! We color, a lot! Her other new favorite activity is to do those bead things... The ones where you put the beads on different shaped pegs and then you iron them and they fuse together... Those are pretty fun! (unless of course you work so hard on them and then you bump it before you iron it and the beads go flying, then you have to start all over) Abby has leukemia, and we get treatment far away from home too! It is not fun, but whatever it takes to get Abby better! We get treatment in Omaha, NE, and we live in Salina, KS. Abby and I have an apartment in Omaha, and then her Daddy and big sister come most weekends. I know how hard it is for you and mom to be away from home, but whatever it takes to get you better... You have fun at the Museum tomorrow! I bet you will see a bunch of cool things! It is supposed to be nice here so we may go have a picnic in the park... A deserted park, cause Abby's ANC is only 47 today!
You have a good day, girls! We are praying for you here in Omaha!
God Bless!
Kristi and Abby Bridgewater
i'm glad that christi's ldh #'s are coming down. i'll keep christi in my prayers, hoping that the ldh stays down and her blood counts rise!
i'll continue to keep christi and the entire thomas team and thomas team support team in my prayers.
You look fabulous Christie, the scarves really, really suit you. hope the museum is wonderful. Prayers for you sweetie.
So very happy to see all those numbers so VERY LOW! Many continued prayers and love,
PRAISE GOD for such an AWESOME LDH level!! I'm praying and smiling too! :) May our great God continue to bless Dr. Maris with wisdom in treatment decesions not only for "our" sweet Christi, but for the others fighting so hard as well.
I'm glad to see her big smile and her loving fans there with her.
I hope today's chemo is just as much as a breeze as yesterday's was.
I love you all dearly!!
With Love and Prayers,
WOW!!!! Great News!!!
We are praying for you for more Cancer Kill this Chemo!!
Go Christi!!!
The Hollway's
So glad to hear the great news!! LDH normal, oh how wonderful.
God is with you!! Best of luck
An NB mom
Wow! Glad to hear the LDH is normal. Thank you God!
Sending our love and prayers.
Wow! Glad to hear the LDH is normal. Thank you God!
Sending our love and prayers.
Wow! Glad to hear the LDH is normal. Thank you God!
Sending our love and prayers.
Just to ley tou know, that we have Christi in our prayers request list in our church in Sao Paulo, Brazil
I am so glad to hear your treatment is going well. I will be praying for continued improvement in your counts and that you get to have a fun day at the Museum! Oh, and I love the picture!
What a GREAT picture of such a super little girl!
And way to go on the phenomenal low LDH levels- we're still sending those prayers for continued recovery and strength.
What a GREAT picture of such a super little girl!
And way to go on the phenomenal low LDH levels- we're still sending those prayers for continued recovery and strength.
Hey Christi!
I love how you matched your bandana to your shirt.. Purple is one of my favorite colors.. Anyway My dad is in the adult hospital in Philadelphia today getting surgery. My mom went with him. I told my mom to say a prayer and blow a kiss to you..
I hope you had fun at the museum!!
In my prayers always
Just had to post that everytime I see a new picture of Christi I can't get over the difference in her from 3 1/2 weeks ago.
May God continue to bless her with His healing touch.
Oh how I love that little gal and all of you so very much!!
With all my love, prayers and continued HOPE in God and for Christi!!
I love you!!
Christi you look fantastic and your numbers are something to celebrate...LDH normal...Praise the Lord.
You are such a sweet and beautiful little girl. Keep up the beautiful smile it makes my day.
I will keep praying for you continued recovery...looks like you are in great care!
Thoughts and prayers...always and often.
Christi you look so good and happy . Sounds like your doing good . But we won't forget to pray and uplift you in our prayers . Have a great time with your cosi friends .
Uppersandusky, ohio
And what beautiful sweethearts they are, passing out those most loving of kisses. Much love to all of you. The Good Lord is with you always.
The power of prayer, especially when there are thousands of people praying!!! Great news but we'll still keep up the prayers for Christi!
What a cute picture! I am sooo glad that Christi's LDH is at its lowest ever! That is incredible!!! I'm glad she is continuing to have great days. Hopefully today was the same.
Love & Prayers Always!!
What a cute picture! I am sooo glad that Christi's LDH is at its lowest ever! That is incredible!!! I'm glad she is continuing to have great days. Hopefully today was the same.
Love & Prayers Always!!
Christi, you look amazing!!! I am glad to hear all the good reports and hope to hear soooo many more. Take care.
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