COSI Connections

Christi (with the help of some Zofran) quickly took control over this morning’s nausea and after that was conquered she has continued to feel very well all day. As you can see, Jenn and Traci’s COSI friend (Reptile Ryan) arranged for us to visit Lyndsee and her tree frog exhibit at the Academy of Natural Sciences this afternoon in chilly Philadelphia. We even were treated to a “behind the scenes” tour and Christi enjoyed herself throughout the entire museum – a fabulous place. We all came back to this wonderful Ronald House exhausted – well, all except Christi.
“Harriet” and “Elizabeth” continue to provide much entertainment and distraction and their presence has allowed me not only to update this blog, complete the laundry and get groceries without subjecting Christi to frigid temperatures, but I also started and finished a book highly recommended to me by one of our dear Angel friends, Mary (Simon’s Mon). It was called “Shelter from the Storm: Caring for a Critical Ill Child”. I thought it best to read this book while she was doing relatively well versus a time when panic and emotions run high. It was great for a preparation which I hope to never need.

After tomorrow’s round of “The Cyclone” (if Christi continues to feel well) we shall use our COSI membership to obtain free admission to the “Franklin Institute” (Philadelphia’s science center). I can’t even explain how nice it is to have sweet Jenn chauffer us around this lovely city.

Tomorrow we shall see Dr. Maris. While I’m grateful that her cancer responded to this latest cocktail, I know that’s typical of Christi’s disease and I also know that it is not durable. My questions for John will center around “what’s next?”.
I'm stopping by, as I do every day, to see what's new, and to pray for Christi and your family.
We are praying for you all (from Michigan). God Bless
i do theatre in columbus with Jenn. i also cheer on christi!! she's remarkable!
What lovely pictures of Christi enjoying herself in Philly! How wonderful. I'm so glad she continues to feel well.
I'll be praying tonight for wisdom for the wonderful Dr. Maris as he makes decesions as to what's next for Christi.
Thankful too that you were able to read a book that you will hopefully never need.
Give Christi, Jenn and Traci a hug from me and have them each give you one back!!
Love you guys oh so very much!!
Forever grateful for the blessing that Christi and all of you have been in my life!
With Love, prayers and HOPE in God and for Christi,
Hi Girls! Looks like you had a GREAT time yesterday! I am so glad for you! Abby and I went on a picnic in the park! It was a great way to break up the day! We went on a little walk, as the weather here was in the upper 60's! Sounds like you have another busy day today! We have clinic too! Abby will get Doxorubicin and Vincristin, then she is going to a friends house and I am going to get my hair cut. It will be a quiet evening tonight of watching "American Idol"! Do you all watch that show? Well, just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts today as you get more therapy! I hope that you get all of your questions answered Angela! Good Luck and God Bless!
Kristi Bridgewater
It was great to see Christi out and about enjoying herself,I hope that "The Cyclone" treatment went well today and that Christi was able to get out and about this afternoon.I am sending,as allways,tons of positive thoughts and loads and loads of good wishes and prayers for Christi and all of your wonderfull family.
Hello sweet gals,
Just saying hello! I hope today's chemo went okay and that you all were able to enjoy the muesum you wanted.
I was praying this morning that yoru meeting with Dr. Maris went well and that he was able to give you the information of what's next for sweet Christi.
Praying, loving and hoping always,
I did not forget about you in my prayers the past 2 day. We just moved, and didn't have internet until today. I couldn't wait to check on Christi. I've been praying as often as I can for her! Glad to her her LHD is so low. I won't keep my hopes up, but I do know that the Lord is working! He hears our prayers! I'm thinking of ya'll!
Megan in NC
Looks like you have some wonderful people there with you :O) And it looks like you had a fun time!
I really love that picture of you from Monday... it's precious!!
We're all still thinking of you and praying for you here in Kentucky. Stay strong sweetheart!
Love n'hugz!
Christi you are so beautiful!
Continuing to pray pray pray!
Jodie and Karlie
looking good Christi, real good! glad you had such a wonderful day and even happier that you have such great friends! Hope today was just as good!
love to you,
Thinking of you and praying that all is well in Philly and Ohio tonight:)
BIG ((((hugs)))),
Thinking of you all very much this evening (as always).
Much love,
Dear Angela and Christi!
You bring us joy reading the blog.
You sound so good, so positive.
Your energy is what keeps us all going!
Thanks!! Your gift is much appreciated!! Go Christi!!
We love you!
The Hollway';s
Harriet and Elizabeth are two of the best distractions I know. I'm glad Christi is feeling so much better and having fun.
As always, you are all in my prayers.
Tell Traci and Jenn I said hi!
Sarah Smail
Thinking of your and praying for you. I hope you are able to find time and a connection to let us know, how everything is going.
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