I Love a Parade

This blog is to help offer support to the Thomas Family and their daughter, Christi, in her battle against cancer. Please visit Christi's website at www.ChristiThomas.com to learn more. There, you'll find journals, photos and a lots of other information about this amazing child and her family.
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I LOVED the first picture. it most be one of the best pictures I ever have seen of Shayla
She is SO beautiful. What fun memories!! Congrats!
Shayla looks great, and what a wonderful car. :-D Glad the parade was fun. :-D
Shayla, you are absolutely beautiful and I am so glad you had a nice time at the parade!
I love the banners and the car is awesome!
Hello Thomas Team!
You may already know about this, but one of the images on the following page seems to be of Christi's cell line?
All the way down and to the left, according to the description right next to it. (© Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (2008)
Shown are confocal images of CHLA-90 (above), and FU-NB-2006 (left).
Confocal images by Felicia Codrea.)
I literally screamed when I saw the name of the cell line (so if it isn't her line, I will look really stupid, hehe).
Shayla, you look gorgeous in the pictures! Hope you had fun!
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