HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my OLDER (Oh, I always love to say that) sister! (And my only sister and sibling) I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY!
Christi and friends on her last Halloween. October 2005, age 8

Good memories; I just wish I weren't so sad. As you can tell by the hour it's been hard to sleep. I miss her so much! Shayla's been after me to get her cemetery plaque ordered. I know she's right - I must! My advice to someone who has to do that is to do it right away.

We had too much fun last night "trick or treating" throughout grandma Donna's neighborhood while Berry and Bill stayed back and passed out the candy. I could not believe how precious so many of the costumes were that we saw. There are really creative folks out there! Shayla's second choice was Cleopatra last year and when she said this year she wanted to be that this year, I hustled to Wal-Mart to buy her costume. I wish I were talented and could just whip up some great outfit, but I can't. Shayla loved what I brought home from Wal-Mart, whew! The weather was fantastic! All day long it was in the 60s, sweet!

As Cleopatra this year, Shayla with 5th grade friends ready to hit the streets "trick or treating". She received so much candy. Driving home she said, "Mom, I'll pick out a few things and you can take the rest to BG to give to your students. They're too old to go trick or treating and they're too broke to buy candy so give them mine." Shayla has the biggest heart. I'm so proud of her! Thank you God for blessing me with her! She crawled into bed with me last night and asked if she could sleep with me. Shayla left before 5am for a long day of meetings in Michigan. When Shayne got in around 11, I went downstairs to see how his long day was, even though we'd texted many times during the day. While we chatted, I forgot to say anything to him about Shay Shay sleeping in our bed. It was pretty funny when we went upstairs together and he went to crawl in and there she was. He laughed and said, "I guess I'll go sleep in her room." (I could not do that as she now sleeps in Christi's old room - it's still a difficult place for me to be in our house.)
Art by Christi - I thought this was fitting for Shayla's theme this year.

Shayla enjoyed her special time at Aunt Marty and Uncle Jeff's last weekend. She loves when we all stay over night there because they have "the best guest bed ever". Christi and I slept in that room, and on their fold out couch many times while driving to and from hospitals and airports. Shayla's right. They always make us comfortable - so special!

While we were at the Ohio State game last Saturday, Shayla was with her great aunt and uncle at the "Quarter Horse Congress" in Columbus. Then it was back to their home to take their horses out for a ride; She had too much fun!

On Sunday afternoon we all toured President Harding's Home and Tomb in Marion, Ohio. It was very interesting! Here is she on his front porch giving a "front porch campaign" just like President Harding did.

Shay at Mrs. and President Harding's Memorial Tomb

We also did a "Cemetery Tour" and learned about prominent Marion citizens "back in the day". Actors were dressed up to portray the deceased and we walked in groups around the cemetery to each spot to listen to their stories. Then we went to see Marty and Jeff's "bench" in the cemetery - all ready "in place" with their names engraved on it. I didn't let them know how very hard it was emotionally for me to see that. They're such an amazing and special couple to us I cannot imagine that, but.....Aunt Marty brought some humor to the occasion. She asked for one of us to pretend to be her and to "wake from the dead" to tell about her life.....so I was happy to oblige so I posed myself, sitting on top of her bench and started spinning my story! (Of course I tried to "jazz up" her life story a bit! She's sooooooo fun! I love her so much!)

Christi and aunt Marty (Summer 2006)
Do kids in Ohio celebrate Halloween early? We don't do trick-o-treating until the 31st in NY. Hm...
What fun Halloween photos Angela. I'm sorry you've been especially sad recently -- although it's certainly understandable, especially at this time of year with the holidays coming and memories of them with sweet Christi. {sigh}
Shayla looks fabulous, I love her costume!
Hi, my name is Luciana.I'm from Brazil.
I see the christi videos in youtube.I am so sorry for your loss.
Christi looks so happy and healthy in her last Halloween pictures. Shayla makes a great Cleopatra! I saw several Cleopatras in our area this year. It must have been a popular choice.
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