Shay's Spot!

Dear "Oklahoma City" Blogger we ate at "The Mantle" in Bricktown (an amazing place and an amazing restaurant too with fabulous food) and she also drove me about 15 minutes someplace near a small lake. They served incredible steaks in a great atmosphere, like a Western theme - sort of. I can't recall the name. LOVELY CITY!! With the conference and working in my hotel room (The Skervin - wow!), I didn't have time to do anything else, but I'd love to go back and visit the National Cowboy Hall of Fame and I wanted to tour their art museum too, but did not have enough time.
I love the color theme, it looks awesome! Great selection Shayla! :)
Love the Wicked programme on the shelf Shay!
wow shayla, your room looks fantastic!
you all did a lovely job on it :)
Long time blog follower, infrequent commenter. I went to the Milligan College womens basketball game Saturday versus Bryan College. Bryan has a player named Shay Thomas. I thought of you all each time the announcer said her name. Just had to share that.
Shayla, I absolutely love your room! I must say I'm jealous!
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