Thank you, sweet Heidelberg University and community! WOW! What an amazing day - quite emotional and overwhelming for me actually, more so than I thought it would be. After the event, I dropped Shayla off at the middle school, went home and crashed. I could not believe how drained I was. It was FANTASTIC to see everyone - really, really unbelievable, but it was also gut wrenching as I tried so hard not to think about why they were doing all of this, how we desperately need a cure and how terribly much we miss Christi.

The two links posted here today are from our favorite news reporter - Jill Gosche from the Advertiser Tribune. It was so nice she also came to cover the event, sweet!

My beautiful friends: Thanks, Jill! Thanks, Lori!

(PIC: Two of my former kindergarten and middle school students - now in college both studying to be teachers at Heidelberg! Certainly, I can't be that old, but they will be awesome teachers. It was awesome to see them on campus, what a treat!)

It was so incredibly touching to see the wonderful Bridges students and two amazing teachers attend too. Shayla was also glad to see them and I'm so touched they still remember Christi and came. THANKS, BCA!!

Christi's tree is growing. As it Shayla! I can't believe it has been approaching 5 years since I first read about Christi. How time rolls on.....
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