After competiting in a half Ironman competition (with 11,000 other athletes from around the USA competiting for $100,000 in prize money), Shayne and Eric relax and celebrate back at the camper. Congratulations, Eric & Shayne! (PIC: Sunday Afternoon)

Shayne's transition area. (He said, "I never had my name printed on my transition area before." See picture. Of course I responded, "You've never paid a $250 entry fee for a race before either.") PIC: Saturday afternoon - setting up for Sunday's 7AM competition

This was "The Biggie" Shayne had been training hard for this since April. He didn't know if he would be able to finish the competition. His goal was to do it all in less than six hours - he made it! I was worried sick about it. While I'm incredibly proud of him and happy for him, I hope he never does such an intense event again. It was really "too much" in so many aspects. Praise God he finished!

They did it! 1.5 mile swim, 56 mile bike followed by a half marathon (13.5 mile run) for the Ironman Competition held at Cedar Point. Impressive!

POST RACE: Enjoying Cedar Point
Well done to you Shayne !
Such a wonderful family.
Love Sam (Ireland)xx
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