Platelets & Wigs

The girls are busy playing with their American Girl items so I'll put up a quick update:
When I went to wake Christi up this morning, I was caught off guard by all the dried blood I saw on her pajama top. It never dawned on me not to leave her port accessed with low platelets overnight. Ugh. Upon taking off her top to get her into fresh clothing to get to the hospital, I looked at her saturated covering and smeared blood. I was thinking that she could have bled to death while she was scared inquiring, “Do I have to get another needle in my chest today?” I don’t believe in 3 ½ years that I’ve ever been squeamish regarding Christi’s situation (others, yes, but not her) but this morning I too was uneasy looking at what had happened on her chest. Yuck!
The platelet transfusion went off without a hitch and the wonderful nurse cleaned her all up and I was greatly relieved that all was fine – just low platelets with a needled left in overnight. I asked Christi if she wanted to go to the beauty school and get our nails done before picking Shayla up at school, or to do a little shopping and she said she just wanted to go home and take a shower.
At home, we did a “little” art project. (OK, OK, where is her wonderful art teacher when we need her?! Hee hee! Just joking, Sue!!) The “Locks of Love” molding kit arrived so we watched the video on how to do it last night. Today we prepared her mold to send back for her wig. It was a HUGE mess and took a VERY LONG time. When I got out the Crisco to grease Christi’s little bald head (after shaving the fuzzies off so that the plaster didn’t stick to her scalp) Christi said, “What? You’re going to put vegetable oil on my head?” I told her we didn’t have any Vaseline and I called Grandma Nonee and that’s what she suggested. Then the little stinker burst out laughing and said, “I know. I watched the video with you, remember or now do you think I’m a vegetable?” So to keep her head straight and still and to keep her from talking I plopped her in front of the computer while I got to work. Later while Christi was in the bathtub getting the blue marker, Crisco, and plaster off of her head she sweetly said, “Ya know mom when we did that mold of my head today? It really was kind of fun, except when it really hurt when you had to peel if off, but if I forget about that part, it was fun.” (What a sweetie!)
Southwest Airlines had the cheapest flights this time ($342.0 per ticket) so our flights are booked. We leave Sunday morning and shall return on Saturday (for about a week).
Her tummy is still tender, but I do think better! Thank you for working overtime, dear prayer warriors!
Christi - looking good, hair or no hair. I have all I know praying for you and we won't stop until you're better! I hope that you get to go to school soon, I'm sure all of your friends miss you! Do you know if they are going to use Tiffanys hair for your wig? How cool would that be! Keep being brave and I hope your next stay at CHOPS goes well for you!!
Melissa in NJ (one of your Heidelberg fans):)
Your daughter is AMAZING..what a beautiful, brave, funny girl!! Much love and MANY prayers from your Cape Cod friends.
You know...there is something stunningly gorgeous about the picture of Christi with no hair...she is beautiful!
Prayers from Boston,
Oh my goodness that sounds like quite an ordeal with the wig mold.
I'm glad she was able to get her platelet transfussion. She's definilty a sweetheart!
Glad you got your tickets booked for Philly- at a much lower than $500 per ticket price.
I'm praying, and loving!
Lots of love, tons of prayers,
Christi is looking so beautiful and happy--with or without her hair. I was so happy to read about her LDH and ANC yesterday!! Great news! The Lord is amazing. I'm glad that Christi is still taking the loss of her hair very well. I'm hoping she keeps that amazing attitude and is eager to get her new beautiful wig. I'm glad you are having a good few days, despite a few bumps.
Love & Prayers Always,
Bald is beautiful!
Christi, I don't believe I've ever seen a more beautiful person without hair. Just needed to let you know that.
I can imagine you're excited about your wig but I hope you know how incredibly beautiful you are inside and out, top to bottom and all around - and no wig will ever do that justice.
Sending lots of ((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))) and holding the hope,
Hi Christi!
I am loving the new look and your new hair should be just as cool! You definitely have a very cute bald head there! I'm really sorry about the blood, that must not have been fun at all but hopefully the platelets will improve things. You are such a funny, beautiful little girl and my 12 year old sister who is also fighting cancer is very inspired by YOU! I'm sure that your wig will look awesome. That would be sooo cool if you had my hair in it (I donated 14 inches a while back, close to your hair colour!) Hopefully your tummy will start feeling better soon and that you keep having lots of fun with Buckeye!
Saying extra prayers as I head of to bed this evening.
Megan in NC
Hi Guys, I'm so glad she is feeling a bit better. The needle in the port never would have occured to me either, and I'm a nurse! Yikes. Glad it was all OK, and I'm so happy to hear about the LDH. Continued Prayers, for all of you! Love, Ellen was good!
You look beautiful, Christi! Have a really fun day! We love you!
Brigid and Celie
Christi, Cami thinks I am totally nuts, but this afternoon I am shaving my head! I am doing this to show my support for two extraordinary and my cousin Sally. I have been thinking about it for a while, but recently it has been very much on my heart to do this. I will send you a picture of my bald head soon! Ms. Fannin
We are your "angles workin overtime"
Christi, you look so beautiful with your new un-hair-do that I wouldn't be surprised if you started a trend!
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