Hair Cut

The wonderful nurses at Mercy told me to “bring her right in” when I called them at 7:00 this morning informing them she’s been in pain and says she is having difficulty breathing and that she needed to have her counts checked. I sent Shayla to school (Thanks, Caroline!) and left with Christi for the hospital.
I thought perhaps things were improving as Christi watched “Clifford” instead of curling up in a ball as she’s been doing; however, as soon as it was over she wanted the lights out and just wanted to listen to me read. They drew her blood and via flashlight I started reading Hoot by Carl H. – highly recommended, which I did for hours today. (Still at the hospital nine hours later, my sweet Heidelberg / OSU friend who stopped by ending up reading to her by flashlight too! Thanks, Lori!)
Blood counts revealed that her white count (ability to fight infection) dropped down from 1.7 in the ER Friday night to 1.1 today. With her eyes still closed she asked, “What’s my ANC?” and cried so hard learning it was still zero (meaning more shots). Her platelets were down to a mere “9” (They were 24 on Thursday which required a transfusion, up to 45 on Friday night) so platelets were ordered and a loving volunteer was called to drive to Toledo to bring them back for little Christi. (Praise be to God there are compassionate people who volunteer doing good things for others on this planet!)
While waiting for her platelets I called “The Cuttery Shoppe” to see if Cindy could possibly come to the hospital to cut off Christi’s hair as she just seemed too weak to make it to her 4:30 appointment. (In the end we were still at the hospital at 4:30 anyway.) I don’t know how Cindy did it without crying, I was a near mess but Christi now has a very short hair cut – which shouldn’t be around much longer. (Thanks sweet, sweet Cindy for doing that. You are an amazing actress!!)
Christi continues to be in a lot of pain; therefore in the past few hours we’ve made a big decision. Tomorrow the two of us will fly to Philadelphia with hopes of figuring out what this pain is. I’m hopeful a CT scan of her chest will help figure this “rib pain” and “I can’t breathe” and “My lungs feel only like the size of baseballs.” And “I’m out of breath.” Out. My Mom will fly in from Florida to help me with Christi and the wonderful Mr. Grant from Philadelphia is willing to pick us up at the airport which gives me great comfort.
I’ve called her teacher to see if she’d have their valentine pass out in the morning, but I really question if Christi will be able to make that. She’s so weak and uncomfortable. Tonight while resting with her in our bed she said, “I just wish this was over so that I could eat. I am so hungry.” It’s been about a week since she’s really had a normal amount of food. She’s eating small bites, but that’s all. It’s hard to believe one short year ago she was playing, “Happy Birthday” on the piano for Shayla and she then spent the afternoon entertaining us with her lovely background piano music. It’s heartbreaking.
As always, your prayers are appreciated during this most challenging of times.
Hi Christi
Well, long hair or short, I know you are the most beautiful child I've ever seen. I bet your eyes looks even more gorgeous with your haircut!
I smiled so big when I saw the "puppy" you were holding through your haircut. All three of my children have that pupper and my 8 year old will only sleep with that little guy at night. He's been sick with the stomach flu and just clutches his "Puppy" (the most original of names, I know!)during the day.
I will pray so hard for your trip to Philly so that your pain can be controlled better. It is so heartbreaking to see a child in pain.
Look for a package in the mail real soon! There just may be two new "pets" for you and Shayla! (don't worry Mom, even you will hold these) I'm so squeamish with hamsters too so I thought this was the perfect alternative :0)
Love and blessings,
wow, i wish i could say something that would be meaningful, but it seems like words just can't possibly mean that much. please know that i am praying for you all, and especially with sweet christi. as you fly out tomorrow....may gof be with you always!!!
May the good Lord hold you all close. Saying many prayers for the Thomas Team. I pray you all have a safe trip, and God sends Christi a miracle!!
Megan in NC
Glad to hear Shayla's 7th birthday party was possible. What a neat, caring family you guys have!
Prayers for a safe trip to PA and a blessed, hopeful visit to CHOP.
Happy Valentine's day, Thomas Team!
Thomas Team,
How i wish there was something i could do, but all i can do is pray. So with that said i am praying super hard they can find why Christi is having this pain and perhaps some answers will be shed.
Happy Belated Birthday to Sweet Shayla!
Dear Thomas Team, My prayers go with you as you travel to Philly tomorrow. I hope you find some answers to Christi's pain. In these challenging times please know that the prayer warriors are working overtime. God Bless All of You. Ellen
I have been reading Christy's Updates for almost a year now. Every good one, we thank God, and every sad one we pray. We won't stop. Christy is beautiful and a miracle no matter what. Short hair or long, or no hair. Keep the faith even though it is so hard. Our baby has battled cancer since the age of 2 with horrific side effects not even imaginable. But today he is a miracle though no one thought he would survive, or even be normal. He is. Christy is a miracle. God is a miracle worker. Prayers for your travels and for peace in all decisions. Just wanted to send you some love tonight.
Jen and family.
I'm so sorry Angela...this is heartbreaking, I simply cannot imagine what you are going through. Prayers, prayers, prayers...
Happy Valentine's day
Keep you in our prayers !!!!!
Uppersandusky , Ohio
Christi, I am so sorry to hear that you are feeling so badly and I hope you can get some relief from your pain when you get to CHOP. We have tons of snow here but the weather is supposed to get nice and warm towards the end of the week!
Angela, Shayne & Shayla: I continue to be in awe of your strength and courage each day when I check the blog, you all are amazing!
I hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day!
I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you all the way from a very dreary and cold London England. I have been following Christi's story for about a year - I stumbled across it searching for something completely irrelevant and I have been hooked ever since. Your story is truly one of inspiration and Christi you are beautiful child. I hope the paid resolves it self and that you are back home soon.
Happy Valentines day - my thoughts and prayers are with you.
London England
I'm so sorry to hear that sweet Christi is having pain. I'll be praying for you all day while you are in Philly. I know Dr. Maris will take great care of Christi.
So many people love her and love all of you. Know you're loved, and prayed for.
May you feel God's love and comfort in a very real way today.
I love you guys!!
Just praying for and thinking of you. Thank you God for loving friends (Tim) and loving family (Grandma) to help Angela with Christi today.
Praying that Dr. Maris (thank you God for him) can figure out the reason for this pain and get it under control once again.
I love you guys. Holding you close.
Lots of love, tons of prayers,
Praying for the pain to go away, how horrible this must be. Happy birthday to Shayla ( I too have a just turned 7 yr old son ) and a very Happy Valntines Day to you all. Praying for courage, strength, wisdom and for the doctors as well. God Bless
Becky in Ohio
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