Shayla's Seven!

It doesn’t seem possible to now have a SEVEN and an EIGHT year old living in our home, but indeed we do! Praise be to God!! Shayla makes the Thomas team complete!! At the party, we had a wonderful feast compliments of my sister and of Shayla’s Godfather (Uncle Gil). The darling cake (complete with a: Buttercup, bunny, and two hamsters on it) was made by Sherri and delivered by Grandma Donna and Shayla’s Godmother (Great Aunt Marty) knew exactly the gifts to purchase for Shayne and I. Shayla had a nice day! I just wish Christi’s would have felt better.
Last night was the most difficult night Christi experienced in a very long time. She was restless complaining of pain in her: head, eyes, ribs and spine; yet refusing to take any pain medications. Oblivious to it all, I feel very guilty now! (I was cuddle up with Shayla in my bed because Christi asked Daddy to sleep with her last night. I had no idea until morning.) I try to tell myself that this is all related to the chemo; yet, it is most likely continued disease progression. She doesn’t feel well and therefore we don’t either.
Sadly, today she spent most of it in her bed. The wonderful party goers took turns visiting her in her room and of course Cousin Shelby is the perfect medicine so it was nice to see her up at times and playing with Shelby – even if not feeling the best. She did come down stairs for a brief time after Shayla finished opening her presents so she was able to hand deliver her gift she picked out last week (a new Care Bear) to her little sister. (And when I took the birthday cake up to show her before it was cut she thought it was really cute.)
I’ve already notified Mr. Jones that I will be taking Christi to the hospital to get her blood counts checked tomorrow. (This is currently scheduled for 3:30 PM – after school; however, as miserable as she is I realize now there is no way she’s going to be able to attend school tomorrow. I’ll call and get an earlier appointment scheduled as soon as they open.) When Shayne told her tonight of our plans and the possible blood and or platelet transfusions needed tomorrow she said, “Good because every time I blow my nose it’s all blood.” (Perhaps a platelet transfusion tomorrow)
Tomorrow she also has an appointment with Cindy to have her hair cut very, very, very short in preparation for “the fallout”. Even though it will be terribly sad for all of us (she worked so hard to grow it back!), this should make things more “tidy” when the dreaded event occurs.
Happy Birthday to the most awesome little sister – Shayla Marie!
Love, Mommy
PS: HAPPY BIRHTDAY, sweet Mrs. Cook!!
We are saying special prayers for you and your family and have asked for prayers from our church family. We will continue to pray and ask for God's comfort as we all try to understand why our beautiful girls have to endure this terrible disease. Sending prayers and love. The Lucius family (Kayla's mom and dad)
Sorry to hear Christi had such a tough night. Bless her heart. Lord, heal her!
Loved Shayla's cake. Hope she had a nice birthday! She is a great little sister.
I'm growing my hair out right now, and am cutting it off in September for Locks of Love.
Bless you all!
Megan in NC
Hello...My name is Marci Crawford in Mansfield. I am good friends with Mary Jean Theaker. Please know that since she does not have a computer I have been printing and passing on your blog messages to her. We both want you to know that you all are in our thoughts and prayers.
Happy 7th birthday to Shayla. Hope she enjoyed her special day.
Hearts are breaking across the country (and globe, I think!) for your dear family, enduring this nightmare.
Praying for comfort, peace and someday understanding for all of you. God Bless.
Happy Birthday Dear Sweet Shayla!
Wow, you're seven now! Such a big girl! Never forget how important YOU are Shayla. I know mommy and daddy won't let you. You're extra, super special because you're Shayla, but being Christi's little sister makes you that much MORE special! I know you mean so much to her!
Happy Birthday Shayla hope you had a great day! Best of luck with your haircut christi, we know you going to look beautiful although i do really like your current wacky hairstyle
The photos are lovely, I'm so pleased teh party went well. Sending up prayers for little Christie - there must be good days still for this lovely little lady please God. Prayers prayers prayers...Lisa
Happy Birthday Shayla, it must be really cool to be 7! Christi is very lucky to have such a great sister!!
I'm so glad to hear that Shayla had a nice birtday. The shirts are adorable- I love them.
I'm sooo sorry that sweeet Christi is having pain and not feeling well. I'm praying for her daily- thanks for keeping us all updated so well so that we can pray more specifically for her.
I love you all!
Love and prayers,
Happy Birthday, Shayla! My prayers are with all of you. I pray for Christi's cure here on earth and peace and strength for all of you.
P.S. I think Christi should get a Siamese kitten!
Christi's eyes are looking so much better. You had mentioned the lumps were gone as well. Could it be the after effects of that strong chemo that are making her hurt and not disease progression? She just looks so much better. I imagine those shots are what is making her spine hurt. We will keep praying.
Jodie and Karlie
Happy Birthday Shayla!
I hope Christi feels better after her trip to the hospital today and I must agree with everyone else that her eyes looks great!
Here's to a better week.
Happy Birthday Shayla!!! *<:)
Dear Thomas Family,
Happy Birthday to Shayla!! We love Christi's new hairdo, it is very "stylish" God Bless you and hope that Christi has a better day today. The hamster are cute!!
Wow what a nice birthday little Shayla . Christi and Shayla I really like your cat buttercup and all the little critters you have . I love animals and children . I have a black lab and a Rat terrior . My little Kayla had a Dwarf hampster but it got sick we don't have it no longer. Christi we will continue to pray for you so you get stronger each day . I don't know any of you but you are a big inspiration in my life .
Counts family
UpperSandusky , Ohio :)
I'm hoping everything is ok.
A lack of an update has me concerned.
Praying, hoping and sending love,
Hi Thomas Team,
Not at CHOP but HERE for WHATEVER YOU NEED. Please please please - just say what it is!!!
Safe travel to all. I've already said my prayers for you.
With love,
Colleen Kashino
I'm so sorry that Christi's having so much discomfort and trouble with her breathing. I hope and pray that there will be some relief once you get to the hospital, and that you have a safe trip there. My prayers continue for Christi's comfort and healing.
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