Support For Christi Thomas

This blog is to help offer support to the Thomas Family and their daughter, Christi, in her battle against cancer. Please visit Christi's website at to learn more. There, you'll find journals, photos and a lots of other information about this amazing child and her family.

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Friday, August 24, 2007


I don't know why this showed up so small; Christi's expression is just charming.

A few have emailed asking me what is behind the tradition of taking flowers to the teacher on the first day of school - that is a Christi decision, and it stuck. When she was starting her very first day of school as a little first grader she asked me what her teacher's favorite color was. Because I went to college with her teacher and taught with her for about 13 years at the time, I knew it was yellow. Christi set to work creating a "yellow" basket to take to her teacher on the first day of school, little did we ever imagine 10 days later she'd be diagnosed with cancer. Included in Chrsiti's yellow items were yellow flowers. That started the tradition. (An apple is quickly gone, but flowers last the whole week at least!)

Just a little bit ago I walked out of school with great sadness. I just can't shake what I was doing one year ago today. It was the very last day Christi walked out of one of her favorite places in the whole world - her school, holding my hand and not feeling very well. She had complained that her head hurt and she was so tired. Never did I imagine she'd never go back in and that this would be her final weekend in our home. Once at home, at this time one year ago, she perked up and wrote out the play for the video/dvd she created at Aunt Marty's on Saturday - what a blessing. She gave us all roles to play and I am hopeful that somehow I will be able to get the DVD on the blog. Christi was so cute as we videoed her "getting out of her car and walking the puppies out to the pond." It was like she was a little 16 year old, driving to camp. (Ah, you have to see the DVD to appreciate it.) I'll see if there's a way to share what we captured as Christi's last final (pretty good) day.

Director Christi tells the actors, in costume, what they are to do. (One year ago, August 2006)

Even though we're trying to do things differently this year, we will be at Aunt Marty's tomorrow, just like we were a year ago filming the little show. It is just the way things worked out with Shayne's dad here. Shayla is most anxious about riding Aunt Marty's horse. Aunt Marty has always wanted a horse and SHE BOUGHT ONE!!!! Grandpa bought her new riding boots this week since she outgrew Christi's.

Grab your loved ones and tell them why you love them! Here's wishing you and yours a great weekend!

Lunch Time on the First Day of School! (August 2002 / 1st grade)
The five year old didn't look sick, did she? One of the reasons this beast is called so tricky and malicious! It spreads rapidly without warning.


At 24/8/07 10:08 PM, Blogger Olivia said...

Christi's giving spirit never ceases to amaze me. I can't believe that at such a young age she was so thoughtfully considering a gift for her teacher-- so very Christi.

My thoughts and prayers are with you,

At 25/8/07 10:55 AM, Blogger Vickie said...


Posting video on blogger is easy. From the dashboard you can launch Blogger in Draft (you might have to go to the second page of Blogger Buzz). Blogger in Draft has a film icon that lets you upload video clips just like you do with photos in regular blogger. Call if you need more info.



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