Support For Christi Thomas

This blog is to help offer support to the Thomas Family and their daughter, Christi, in her battle against cancer. Please visit Christi's website at to learn more. There, you'll find journals, photos and a lots of other information about this amazing child and her family.

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Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Picture for Grandma

Yes, mom, she WAS a "munchkin" but also a member of the "Lullaby League" - that is what I was talking about on the phone last night and here is that lovely picture a sweet, sweet mom took and gave me yesterday at school. I set it as our desktop picture because I thought it was so lovely. (And it took a lot to replace the other one with Christi's picture on it.)

Speaking of Miss Christi and lovely photos, here are a few I don't believe I ever shared before. (Picking 4 year old Christi up from preschool, Shayla on the right too little yet to go) These pictures were taken in the spring of 2002, the same time Christi's back pain started that sent us to the emergency room on four occasions as well as to her doctor's office. Now I know to insist on scans, but I didn't know then what I know now and I believed the doctors who told me nothing was wrong> "Rest assured. Put your mind at ease," I remember one saying. Hopefully, others will learn from mistakes we made with Christi.

Regardless, I can look at these pictures and smile as I remember how much Christi LOVED the wonderful Betty Jane Preschool and her teacher, Mrs. Newhard and her good friend, Adam. I thought they'd grow up and change the world together. I thought I'd watch them over the years. Sadly, Christi died and Adam moved back to China. It sounds like those two took the preschool by storm. I remember the teachers telling me there was another preschool child who was reading fluently like Christi and the two of them really clicked and always played together.

Last night found us with Shayla's 3R 4H club. We went bowling together for a couple of hours. Shayla came up to me at one point and said, "I didn't know how much fun this was going to be!" And I had a wonderful time talking with lots of parents of my students. (They're often amazing and surprised at what their kids do at school. It was kind of fun to share, especially the tampon story. Boys! I've got a great job!)

Shayne made it home safely and Shayla will soon be off to her Saturday morning ice skating lessons. My dissertation work will take up the entire weekend (again). Thankfully, I'm still really enjoying it, making new discoveries and I actually continue to be ahead of schedule. I am working with some amazing: Superintendents, Principals, Professional Development Providers, Literacy Coaches, Supervisors and Five NBCTs from around the country who remained in the classroom. It's has been incredible and I really owe it to these individuals to do my very best work as I tell their stories and create my analysis. My Advisor at OSU recently told me she thinks I could receive a dissertation award at AERA (The International Research Conference) because she thinks it's groundbreaking research and that what I'm doing is that good. Regardless, I'm still having fun and really enjoying the labor! Praise be to God!


At 16/3/09 8:24 AM, Blogger Danielle said...

great photos!

kate tried one one of her leotards you sent a while back today. she had it on over her clothes and i took a few pictures, i will send them!

At 18/3/09 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope the "McVickers" had a nice St Patrick's day! Quiet for this Irish girl - another day in the library!



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