Support For Christi Thomas

This blog is to help offer support to the Thomas Family and their daughter, Christi, in her battle against cancer. Please visit Christi's website at to learn more. There, you'll find journals, photos and a lots of other information about this amazing child and her family.

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

We've been out Egging

Last night was so lovely! We picked up a pizza and called some friends to see if we could come and visit and thankfully they were home so we did just that. We also went to see their new house they are buying on Monday. It is wonderful! We wish them many wonderful years there!

This fall we never got around to "Toilet Papering" our friends, the Bowermans so last night we decided to "egg" them instead. Shayla had a grand time making a sign and preparing all of the eggs. When Shayne called to wish Tim a Happy Easter, Tim let us know they were heading off to mass. (Perfect! Shayla and I were trying not to laugh out loud that Tim had just set himself up. It was hard to be quiet so Mr. Bowerman wouldn't hear us laughing at what he just disclosed.)

Shayla seemed to take FOREVER last night, putting all the eggs for their awesome children in the yard in the "perfect spots" and it reminded us of how Christi loved to TP them, to be TPed by them and talking about going to TP the Bowermans was one of our discussions and laughs in our finals days with Christi. (Pic: Sept. 2006, planning a TP episode to the Bowerman's about five days before death.)

While finishing "preparations", Mrs. Bowerman must have been up at the same time as she wrote and attached a picture:

Dear Thomas Team,

I just wanted to thank you my self for the wonderful surprise when we arrived home last night. As soon as the kids saw the sign, they yelled,"We have been Tee Peed" Although they did not see any toilet paper, that was their first thought.

One grabbed the sign right away and brought it inside. After they all read it they were so excited to head out. The kids were scrambling to find the eggs and figure out what all the eggs said inside. Jessica opened her egg and said "Look at all the money"!!! She smiled from ear to ear with her toothless smile. Thank you again for your love and kindness.

Little Miss Shayla: You worked so very hard to color and plan for this special hunt . Thank you so much for your kindness and spirit!

As we were picking up the eggs, I saw the eggs laying back by the tree were the girls had tee peed just a few years ago. It made me think of Christi and Shayla and their lighted shoes blinking in the night as they scrambled to decorate our house in white decor.

Thank you again dear friends. May you have a HAPPY EASTER!

Love, The Bowerman's

Well the bunny has arrived so nI think I'll head back to bed until Miss Shayla crawls in and let's us know "It's Easter"! Of course we will never forget the horrors taking place within Christi's body in the spring of 2006. When I was with her in Philly and Shayne was trying to explain the seriousness of it to Shayla who talked to Shayne about Easter being all about hope. We will never forget sweet Shayla saying that. We will never forget how much Christi loved Easter. I hope tomorrow is a gentle day. I know this Easter will be the first Easter for many moms without their children and I know that will be hard. They are in my prayers, especially Erin's family.

Shayla wanted me to post this on the blog. We were all freaked out by Buckeye's eyes in this picture. Shayla wanted me to say, "Laser Vision Explodes the Eggs". Ahhhhhh, exactly what you'd expect from Shayla....and this crazy Siamese cat of Christi's!


At 12/4/09 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell Shayla that was my thoughts exactly, too ;) I could totally tell that Buckeye's laser vision split that egg!!! hee hee

At 12/4/09 10:56 PM, Blogger Aimee Jackson said...

Easter blessings to the Thomas Team. I love the idea of a Memorial Egg hunt. That is the kind of thing I want to try and start to organize. Kendall's last days were filled with egg hunts, which were one of the few things that brought a smile to his face. I just don't seem to have the strength to put it together, but maybe next year.

In any case, you are often in my thoughts and prayers. I love the photos you post, especially the one of "Laser-vision Buckeye!"

At 13/4/09 2:15 AM, Anonymous campagnette said...

Christ is risen dear Angela, and with him your wonderful girl and friend Christi.

You and your familly were in my heart yersterday. Have you seen the pope Benedictus blessing "urbi et orbi" (urbi means cities, and orbi... I don't remember, people who are not in the city).

He said that the Christ is really risen, it isn't a story, a dream, a myth or a legend.
It's real.

In France, nobody says your so cute idiom : "earn angel wings" because we are not allowed to believe in Jesus (last year, I talked a few about All Saints at work and they telled me off...).
In France many people only believe that people we loved keep alive in our hearts (only in our hearts... what a sadness).

But catholics believe (and we are sure) that with Jesus, we keep alive not only in spirit but in the flesh. If I'm able to go in Paradise (praise for me please) I will meet Christi, and shake her hand, and hear her voice, and I hope she will learn to me how to speak a good american language.

You, as mother, you will take her in your arms, and kiss her... I'm sure you will cry a few.

"Death, where is your victory ?" (St Paul)
Our God really is the Lord of lords.

Please can you sign the petition for our holy father ? In Europe and specially in France, a lot of people hate him. Even "catholics" don't like him. They say he is to old fashion : ?!!! he's not a T.V. singer, he's a catholic pope...
Can you send the link to your catholic friends please ?

I'm really sad for Erin's family. They will learn to live without an visible angel.
I empathize.


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