Happy 11th Birthday, Shayla Marie

Off for the hospital - about 5:30 AM on February 12th for my scheduled C-section. Just like her big sister, Christi, Shayla was also breech and wouldn't budge.

Holding precious tiny Shayla for the first time.

Daddy holds little Shayla Marie

The whole family. Christi was really more interested in the book I gave her than her new baby sister, but......she was only 21 months old.

Happy 11th Birthday Shayla! We love you soooooooooo much!
Happy Birthday Shayla from a friend in Georgia!
Wendy Landers
Concord, Georgia
Happy eleventh birthday Miss Shayla!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SHAYLA!! I hope you have an awesome weekend. Good luck with your basketball game tomorrow - have fun!! :)
Happy Birthday to sweet Shayla!! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!
Aberdeen, SD
Happy birthday, Shayla!
Cannot believe you're 11 Shay! Where has time gone. Many happy returns beautiful girl, I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Happy birthday Shayla!! I hope you have a great day!!
Happy Birthday, Shayla-Love you!!!
Happy Birthday Shayla!
Lots of love
Manda xxx
(and my hamster, Clem, says hi a well)
Happy Birthday Shayla! I feel like I've come to know you through your Mom's writing and photos...you are such a smart, talented, loving young lady...enjoy your celebrations...you deserve it!
Many blessings on your birthday and always!
From your blog-friends in wintery WI
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sweet Shayla! Wishing a wonderful, talented, beautiful young lady a fantastic year ahead! May ALL of your dreams come true!
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