SWEET TREATS! DARLING! To any of my students who may be reading this let me once again remind you to please be safe on your spring break! You probably have no idea how many lives you touch and how devastated those lives would be if something bad ever happened to you. Remember the decisions you make today may very well indeed affect your future for the rest of your life so be wise!

My week was filled with great blessings! On Monday, I was notified I had been voted "Professor of the Month" by the BGSU Panhellenic Council (the governing body of the 13 sororities on campus). While I smiled then choked back tears, Shayne later said, "Angela, that's great! You always wanted to be in a sorority." He totally cracks me up. Because I didn't want to be away from my family Tuesday night, I didn't go to receive the award, but one of the sweet members stopped by my office yesterday to give it to me.
The other great thing that happened was I was able to meet a sweet and gorgeous blogger who has been following Christi's story for years. I typically don't take the time to leave my office, I just eat the same lunch I pack for Shayla's lunch for my lunch too. Leaving the Education Building for lunch was awesome, but what was even better was spending a couple of hours with this amazing woman! I appreciate her coming to BG to meet me! I can't even describe how comfortable I felt, like I had known her all my life. It was a beautiful meeting and I realize how very blessed I am to have met people and made friends all as a result of Christi's journey. While I would do ANYTHING to have her back in my arms, I know God has blessed our lives in many other ways too.
I have quite a long "to do" list for my spring break, but continuing to plan and write the book about Christi's life that I want to write is high on that list (OK, so is ordering that darn cemetery plaque.....) so hopefully I will actually be as productive and accomplished as I hope to be.

I'm posting this picture here of the day to day occurrences we may not remember to take pictures of. Following Christi's death, I was disappointed that I didn't have pictures of those little things you do every day, the normal things. I'm posting this here to remind you to take the ordinary pictures of your loved ones too, not just the special occasions and events!

Shayne flew out of the Tiffin airport this morning. He's spending a couple of hours in Birmingham today. He'll be back this afternoon. He sent me this picture he captured from the little plane. While I love when can fly out of the Tiffin airport, because of how much time it saves him (no security, no time lines, 5 minutes from home, etc.) I also worry about those little planes and his safety.
May God be with him and keep him safe in His loving arms!
Hi All,
Just a quick note to say hi and that I still check in here everyday - like many other christi fans & thomas team extended 'family'. Shayla is growing into such a beautiful young lady - beautiful in all ways and just like her "big sis" is an absolute credit to you angela & shayne.
Angela - you are doing yourself and your family proud and I delight in hearing all of your achievements and as far as is possible your "new kind of happy" is shared and enjoyed by me and I'm sure by many others too.
Christi continues to be a huge inspiration to me - never moreso than recently. I've just been diagnosed with skin cancer. I know that having lost both parents and my twin sister, that my old reaction to this would have been catastrophic but now I find myself facing my diagnosis, surgery and uncertain future with a different attitude that is 100% inspired by a certain christi. the immortal words "i'm not sick, i just have cancer' and all of the images and memories of christi that you have allowed me to share over the last 6 years are more than inspiring to me at this time. without 'knowing' christi, my life at the moment ... well, I know that i would not be having a life at the moment, I would have given up but instead I am trying my hardest to learn from my hero christi and i find myself spurred on by a strange but currently unshakeable determination to meet this beast head on and never give up living and smiling. surely i get my shaky days but it is at those times that i find myself remembering christi & the rest of her amazing family - how could i give up when i am lucky enough to know christi and the thomas team?! thankyou angela, shayne & shayla for sharing yourselves and christi with me and for helping your little one to save other lives - mine included.
Love to you all forever & an extra hug to ^^christi^^
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