SSS: Shay's Scrapbook Suggestions

(Check out the "Speech Bubbles" on this page. She told me what she was going to do and I couldn't figure it out. Well, this is what she meant and I totally love it. "Oh - io!")

a. When selecting the paper you will mount your pictures on, make sure that the color coordinates not only with the pictures, but also the color you have for your main paper.

a. Stickers look best when they’re visible, but not too obvious. That usually means the corner of a picture is usually a good place to put a picture.
b. Stickers should match in color coordination with the pictures and should match with the theme of the page. For example, you would not put a frog in a wedding picture – unless there WAS a frog (ha ha).

a. Try looking at common objects in the house such as construction paper or even index cards. They might be just the color you need and it saves you money.
b. Always check the back of your scrapbook papers. A lot of times there are different colors or patterns on the back too!

a. Be sure that if you see like a bar code on your paper, you cut the whole side of it off because they add that on and then it’d be too big to fit in your scrapbook.
b. There are two kinds of scrapbook sizes and you want to make sure your paper is the right size for your scrapbook. For example, so you don’t have the big page for the small size scrapbook or the small paper for the big size scrapbook. (Learn from my mistakes – ha!)
Have a Scrapping Question? Ask me - the expert (ha ha ha!) I'm not an expert, but I will try my best to answer your questions based on what I've learned so far with my scrapbooking. And I've made a lot of mistakes, but I try not to repeat them and instead learn from them. ASK SHAY YOUR SCRAPBOOK QUESTIONS! Post a comment for me and mom will give it to me to try to answer for you. THANK YOU! From, Shay
The slumber party girls are still sleeping. Won't they be disappointed when I wake them up for church in just a short while?! I don't know how late they were up. At 11pm I told them to start wrapping it up, I was going to bed, but I'm certain I heard talking past that time.
To answer a blogger's question: Shayla no longer needs glasses! Much to our surprise and delight (and because I lost my incredible vision insurance when I left SE and went to BGSU) Shayla's eyes have improved. She had a very, very weak prescription anyway (1.25) but we were happy nevertheless to receive that word. God is good!
Dearest Shayla, it does my heart good to see you scrapbooking and enjoying it so much! As you know, I've been scrapbooking for about 15 years and I love it too! I do have a couple of questions for you... 1) What is your favorite subject to scrapbook? Why is this your favorite? 2) What is your favorite scrapbook product to use and why?
It was so nice seeing your pages again. Keep up the fabulous work and I definitely will be shocked if you don't get a first place ribbon!
Great big hugs to you Shay!
Great pages. I love scrapbooking and will be showing my daughter Shayla's pages to encourage her. I also love the tip about the barcode, you have no idea how many times I have done that! My other favourite thing to do is ........when making cards to stick the decorated card up the wrong way so that it opens on the wrong side! My daughter laughs at me every time.
What a beautiful scrapbook, is absolutely a timeless and priceless work of art. I am sure the judges will be profoundly impressed! A million hugs-Kim, Katie and Emily
I have a question--I hope it is not too late. Shayla, how do you scrapbook objects, that won't lay flat on a page? A special momento from something that you want to keep? I am assuming you can't add this to your scrapbook, but just wondered if you had any creative ideas about this.
Thanks. Your scrapbook is beautiful!
:) de argentina
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