Love from the Big Apple!

Over the past three plus years of fighting the nasty dragon we’ve met many beautiful Angels here on earth - richly supplying us with strength, encouragement and inspiration. Two of those amazing people, drove down from NYC today to bring Christi some cheer and to spend some time with us. Well, Christi just wanted to go to sleep after a day of being awake for nearly 8 hours, but I was thankful to have a break from this hospital by sitting next to a fireplace at “The Bubble House” and visiting with two brilliant and loving women who taught many of Shayla’s preschool art classes at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I’m still in awe at their kindness. (And thanks to my wonderful mother for staying with Christi and starting yet another book during her platelet transfusion this afternoon, so I was able to step out with friends.)
While Christi was receiving the IV form of the GCSF injection tonight, I received an email from the wonderful Dr. Maris which said, “I think that it is important to stay on the dreaded GCSF until the ANC is well above 1000. I also think we should try to start a second round of chemo the week after next.” Well, he definitely rained on her parade! And with an ANC of zero, it could be a while to reach 1,000!
Surprisingly enough, other than her hair falling out and causing her “the itchies” she’s handling it all very well. One nurse was caught a bit off guard when Christi asked, “Would you like a souvenir?” as she pulled out some hair and gave it to her. So funny!)
A very special thank you to Diane, Jack and Jake from Illinois!!
1.) Arrange the kids by ages on the floors so that all of the same aged kids could be together to play.
2.) The IV poles should be hooked directly to the nurses’ pagers so when they go “beep beep” the nurses would fix the poles right away. (I was thinking implant chips– he he heeee!)
CHRISTI'S FUNNY: Tonight's sweet nurse was taking Christi's temp when Christi pretended to nibble on the nurse's hand. "My compliments to the chef," she boldly stated causing the confused nurse to ask, "What?" while Christi burst into a fit of giggles. I'm relieved she's feeling better even though she is still needing pain meds 24/7 and irritable when they start to wear off.
glad you had a better day, the cat is beautiful!!! Have a good night and we'll pray for an even better tomorrow!
love to you,
Oh so glad you got some time with friends today Angela. How sweet and kind of them to come to visit! I know how you love your NYC friends. I love mine as well.
Christi- LOVE your hospital suggestions sweet girl. You're so very smart! I love you and you're my hero.
Glad to hear she's up to joking around some.
Love to you all! Sleep well sweet friends!
Lots of love, tons of prayers,
Hi, I'm Liz, i'm 14 and i've been following Christi's condition for a few weeks now. It constantly amazes me how optimistic and cheerful Christi & the rest of her family seem despite everything you guys are going through! Keep Smiling! ~Liz
My name is Melissa Richards. I have been following Christi's story since her site first started. I know of Christi because my sister, Michelle Reiter, teaches at Attica Elementary and lives in Republic. Just wanted to let you know that Christi's funny sayings and jokes always make laugh!! She seems to have an even better sense of humor than most adults I know!
Hi Christie, just checking in. Prayers for you sweetie, Hope you can have a good day and get out of hospital soon for some hometime. Still can't get over how cute Buckeye is
Oh Christi... Buckeye the kitty is BEAUTIFUL!!! I'm so envious :-) Get ready for ALOT of kitty-talk - Buckeye is going to have a big voice!
I'm praying for your ANC to go up UP UP! so you can go home HOME HOME!! I love your spirit, my dear little friend - you are an inspiration to all of us.
To the rest of the Thomas team - sending love and prayers your way to help carry you along during this difficult time!
With love and hugs,
ChemoAngel Nancy in NH
Lots of prayers for Christi and the entire Thomas Team are heading straight to you guys. I was lucky enough to find you from Julianna Banana's site, and will be praying for you from now on!
Hope today finds you feeling better and stronger!
I love the kitten's name! Buckeye looks majestic in the picture! I had a siamese cat (Shang Hai) when I was younger and he was adorable. His meow sounded just like a baby's cry! Make sure you give Buttercup lots of love and attention when introducing Buckeye to the family!
I was so glad to read no more shots!!!!!God is an awesome God and answered your prayers (and ours)!
You are such a sweetie! I love your humor! Keep it up as you can!
Angela, Shane, Christi and Shayla, God had truly blessed each one of you in a special way! I thank Him for giving us the opportunity to "know" your family. I just wish it were under different circumstances.
Once again, I want to thank Eric for the website and the blog so that we can keep "in touch".
We will continue to lift our voices to God!
God bless!
Marion, Ohio
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