"So now you sit"

What a difference a day (and a night's sleep) make!! I'm doing much better today! I went to bed, feeling happy about her decreased pain about 2 AM only to have her crying in (rib) pain at 3 AM; therefore, she's back on the dilaudid while the Tylenol also continues.
After a much needed night's sleep, I woke at 9:00 AM and when I stepped out of the bathroom at 9:30 am I saw two ABSOLUTELY LOVELY AND COMFORTING AND FAMILY faces in Christi's room - Dr. Maris and Pat Brophy! WHAT JOY! I can't even explain how nice it felt to finally believe someone was really in charge of Christi and that someone really knew her situation. Praise Him!!
Christi continues with a light fever, but I feel she's doing better today. She sat up and played "Chutes and Ladders" with Grandma Nonee. Now she wants it quiet so she can rest her eyes so Nonee is busy reading yet another good book while I made a beeline for the playroom down the hall so that I could update you. Her lack of eating anything is a concern, so a nutritionist will be coming by to explain how to get more calories into her (and not me, right?!).
Dr. Maris is confident that the chemo is working due to her decreased "lumpity bumpities" on her head and he also noted that her eyes look great. (Whew!) Upon examining her, he cancelled this morning's CT because he believes that her rib and spine pain is from the Neupogen shots. Thank you, Lord!! (When they caused bone pain years before it was in her legs, but he said this rib/spine pain was common too.) I know he likes to think of the glass half full, but it has me feeling much, much better - and how nice of him to get back into town last night and to come to see her before leaving town again today. What a Godsend Dr. Maris is to us! We have been richly blessed to be in his great care!!
So far nothing has grown in her cultures so we hope this fever and not feeling well is a result of having no immune system and that there isn't a nasty infection brewing. Dr. Maris said we'll need to talk "quality of life" and he'll need to determine what chemos to start, but that will depend on how long it takes her ANC to recover (but with it being zero, we can only go up right? hee hee!) Dr. Maris told us to plan on hanging out here for 3-6 days. "So now you sit," he said before leaving.
This is such great news! I felt certain as I mentioned before that the pain was from those nasty shots. With her eyes looking so much better and her lumps being gone lead me to believe that. I'm hoping the whole breathing problem was just anxiety. (seeing as how she is already feeling better and eating). I'm not a doctor but it mimics the symptms that my daughters best friend suffered as she was going through chemo.
We will keep praying for all of you. Jodie and Karlie
I'm so happy that Dr. Maris does not believe Christi pain is being caused by disease. What a relief! Please post an inpatient address as soon as you know what it is :) The outpouring of love for Christi and your family just warms my heart. She's the little girl who inspired the world.Love and Prayers.
I'm so glad to hear that Dr. Maris was able to make you feel so much better Angela. What a great doctor.
I pray her ANC will go up and soon and for wisdom and guidance from God for all of you to make good decesions for Chisti. She's on my mind and in my prayers constantly.
Christi- Thanks for having Mommy udpate on what books you are reading. I'm keeping a list of your recommended ones for my brother to use in his 4th grade classroom. And for myself to buy someday for my two nephews (currently ages 6 months and 6 days) :)
Love you guys dearly!!
Love and prayers,
Continuing to pray for all of you.
i am so greatful that you got to see your doctor, christi! he sounds like a wonderful man. praise god for feeling better and playing a game!!!! i hope you start feeling even BETTER now!
you are all in my prayers!
Angela, My heart and prayers are with you for God to continue to give you and Christi strength and healing.
I came upon you site in of course reference from another, from another, and so the cyclical process.
I'm a mumma in my forties who went back to school to earn my law degree two years ago. Although my son Joseph, (passed now for 18 years) passed from heart problems, upon reading your journals I remember. Some may believe this is a self defeating (my ex-husband) issue bringing back the past. However, this it is not. So many have reminded us just how important our babes are to us, and the importants of time, hugs, love and kisses with our children. While my studies, as I look at the past two years, have taken from both some quality time; your presence have reminded me where I have been in the past.
So often when remembering Joseph, I felt guilty because that immense undescribable roller coaster of emotion, living from day to day on a mental elevator had escaped me over the years. However, I can definately again feel your pain. What a gift, to be reminded of the importance of life with my children again!!!!!
Christi has been and will continue to be a blessing in so many ways. My prayer is that the Lord will continue to bless you and yours with his gift of life and bring forth the healing that she so justly needs at this time. Believe, believe, believe.
My eighty-one year old (on friday) mother received her results yesterday. She is now 1.5 years healed of stage four lymphoma. Although they stated that a women of her age could not handle the prescribed treatments, she is here. She continues to work at least twenty hours for the church food pantry, (she lies about the over-time).
I will leave you with this from God's word. God has not given me a spirit of fear but one of love, power and a sound mind. This is one of several I post above children's doors, beds, closets (messy ones), cuboards etc. They remind us each on a daily basis of God's promises to us. May his peace and blessings be with you.
Mina and children from Grand Rapids Michigan via Denver.
I am so glad Christi is feeling a little better today, and that the "lumpity bumpities" are responding to the chemo. It is wonderful that you have such a great doctor. I know that my daughter's oncologist was amazing in her treatment and held on to us each step of the way. They are extraordinary people. Sometime we forget just how lucky we are to live in an area with the best hospitals, doctors and nurses. my heart is with you, thank you for updating us, we have the prayer team going strong for you all.
love, an nb mom
Prayers are being sent your way. My heart is still breaking for Christi, I feel like I know her. Good luck for the next few days, I will be checking in often and thinking about your guys. Take care.
It sounds like you are in very good hands at CHOP. Now...what can WE do for you?
I know I'm not the only Christi fan who is wondering how we can help out the Thomas Team right now.
McDonald's giftcards?
Barnes & Noble giftcards?
Cute hats for Christi?
Phone cards?
Starbucks giftcards?
Just say the word. The same goes for Shane and Shayla...is there anything anyone can do to make things easier for them at home? Please don't be shy:)
Thinking of you always!!
Dear Angela and Shayne,
Please know that no matter how overwhelmed you are both (Angela, because you are there, Shayne, because you are not) - there are about a million people who are with you both. I can't get the four of you out of my head. I am sure nobody can. You are never alone! And constant prayers for your beautiful Christi!
With Love,
Colleen Kashino
Thomas Team :) Oh happy day, what a miracle that the pain is from the shots. Of course, Im heartbroken she is in so much pain, but praise HIM it is not from disease!! Praying for Christi's ANC to rise, rise, rise ... so the anxiety of those dreaded shots will leave. Thank God for every miracle that little Christi ( and her family of course ) is being given. Praying for Shayla to be happy and for her worries to ease. Continue to have a good day, Thomas Team :)
Becky in Ohio
Hi Christi and Angela,
So good to hear you slept well and are in good hands now. I was remembering back wwhen Molly had treatment, and the week or her counts going down (after Chemo) and bottoming out was very hard on her. Christi has so many other things going on, it is amazing she even got to go home!!
Our prayers will continue...Kill those cancer cells Chemo!!
The Hollway's in Minnesota!
I'm so happy to hear this news today. I'm glad you are feeling better today after such a stressful night. Dr. Maris is such a wonderful doctor! I'm relieved he feels that this pain is nothing more than from those nasty shots.
Love & Prayers,
Hi Thomas team
My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this trying and difficult time. God bless you!
Glad to hear the lumpity bumpities are decreasing. Praise the LORD for Dr. Maris, looks like you are in great care and can hopefully soon get home to Daddy and lil Shayla. LOTS of Prayers her ACN goes back up.
Laura Gray (Stephenson)
Sending hugs and warm wishes to you and your family from San Francisco...
so glad you are doing better today (both of you)! Hope Dr Maris is right and that the chemo IS working. Hope today was a good day, and that tonight will bring you more sleep and rest.
Thinking of you all the time...
Hi Angela and Christi!
So glad you are both feeling a little better. Gee Angela, even when you are totally frustated and venting...you are still so sweet and polite!
At least you came AFTER our big snowstorm and didn't have any problems with your flight.
I am only 40 minutes away from you so if there is ANYTHING at all you need or that I can do for you...please feel free to email me. You can check with Marsha at Hugs and Hope if you want a reference...she visited me for a week a couple of years ago.(kaseyko@yahoo.com)
I will be praying and will put you all on the prayer list at church tomorrow.
Hopefully tomorrow will find you feeling even better!!
Love and Blessings,
You are so loved Christi! Hugs from another mommy and teacher who has grown to love you! If you were my daughter or a student in my class I would feel so incredibly lucky! I wish I could inspire my second grade students to love books the way you do! Let all the love from around the country surround you in warmth and peace precious one! God Bless you! You are so beautiful!
Praying for you tonight.
I love you guys dearly!
Lots of Love, tons of prayers,
The news sounds good . The Chemo is working that is a plus . Praise the Lord . Sounds like Mom is doing fine . We will continue to pray for good results and good news . Check on you girls later .
Take care,
UpperSandusky area
Phew - this entry gives some comfort to us all! I'm so, SO glad that Christi is doing just a little bit better :) I pray with all my heart that this chemo is doing just what it is intended to do - saving her!!!! Go Christi! You're so brave, sweetheart - and I bet there's not one of us reading all this that wouldn't take it all away from you if we could. Please know that your hands are being held by thousands.
Continuing to keep Christi and your family in my thoughts and prayers!!!
Thinking of you all today and always! Praying hard for Christi. I hope her night was a restful one and that the pain is going away and that her ANC goes up and soon!!!!
Christi- I shared some of your great book suggestions with my brother and he put them right on his request list for the school library! :) He says thank you for sharing!!
Love you guys dearly.
Lots of love, tons of prayers,
Dearest Thomas Family,
Just wanted to send you all my love and prayers... I think of all of you daily!! I will be praying HARD that Christi's WBC gets back up there to avoid those nasty shots!!!!!!!!!!
God Bless,
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