Made It!

Earlier Shayne told Dr. Maris that the goal was to get her better and to her 4th grade Valetine party with Mrs. Smith. I don't believe she's "better" but I did wheel her in and she did pass out her valentines, but not without tears. She's just feeling horrible. Her head aches so bad. She was there for about 30 minutes which is more than she's been awake since Sunday. I hope it wasn't too hard for her classmates to see how bad she feels; I'm certain they were surprised. She's gone downhill at a rapid tempo.
My wonderful sub had some surprises for me to. Much to my surprise, he shaved his head!! And while I was planning to just quickly ran up to my room to tend to a few things, he had a steady flow of all of the students stop by to say hello (or goodbye?). Not wanting to cry, I quickly shooed them back to their classes- what thoughtful students and staff I'm so blessed to work with.
So now we are off to the airport; I'm hoping to get her some comfort soon. She came home and went straight to bed (again). She's been on dilaudid (ten times stronger than morphine) 24/7 for the past 24 hours. Dr. Maris is out of town, but copied me in on the email he sent to the doctor who will be meeting us in the Emergency Room late this afternoon and then admitting Christi from there. Dr. Maris will be back to see her tomorrow. Now that she's sleeping instead of withering in pain, my travels should be better. Nee Nee will drive me to the airport as I didn't think I could handle our luggage in addition to managing her. It'll also save on the parking. Mom and I were lucky to get a room at the Ronald House tonight - even if only a "hobo room". Gotta scoot! Thanks, all!
I am keeping Christi in my thoughts today.I have posted before that my daughters best friend is suffering from Neuroblastoma so your story is very close to my heart.
I hope there is a small miracle put aside for your family and Christi can turn around.I pray that can happen.
Blessings to you all.
Melanie in Montreal canada
Hello there dearest Christi and family! Christi, you look so pretty in your pink valentine's outfit! I must say, your eyes look better. I'm so sorry you feel lousy right now - let's hope your wonderful drs at CHOP will help you feel better fast!
Have a safe trip - Buttercup and all the other critters want you home soon to snuggle and play!
Sending love and hugs your way, every day!
ChemoAngel Nancy in NH
I'm glad that Christi made to the Valentine's Day Party- I know that was very important to her, and to all of you as well.
I'm so sorry she's feeling so badly and is in so much pain. My heart hurts for and with you. Please give Christi a great big hug from me and tell her how much I love her and how brave I think she is.
Angela- You are the best Mommy! Your girls are so blessed to have you. May you and Shayne truly have "no regrets" about how you've handled Christi's treatments. You both are a testement to wonderful parenting. Have your Mom give you a great big hug from me.
I'm praying!
Lots of love, tons of prayers,
Have safe travels and I am hoping Christi and the rest of the family can find some comfort in Philadelphia.
It is so hard to believe that she is feeling so bad. Her eyes look so much better than they did a few days ago. I am so glad that she got to go to her classroom and pass out her Valentines. She is such a beautiful little girl and I hope that she finds comfort very soon.
Thoughts and prayers always and you darling Christi and your lovely family!!
Hi All. I spend my time sat at the computer writing about business stuff and my mind constantly wanders to christie, a little girl i'll never know but who has wiggled her way into my heart. Prayers for you all at this very difficult time.
So glad Christi made it to school, if only for a little while. My heart is breaking for everything you are going through! I cried all the way to work this morning, and begged God to let her just be OK! I hope her pain will vanish, and she's back to her old self soon. Keep fighting Christi! Much love,
Megan in NC
My heart truely breaks for Shayla. She must be so scared. EXTRA prayers headed your way.
Sending a million prayers up for you sweetie! I really hope, wish, and pray that you are feeling better very soon, and that you are able to rest comfortably.
We LOVE you Christi... NEVER forget that!
You are in my every thought and prayer. I check on Christi's blog many times a day in hopes of a Miracle. (Please God hear our prayer to give the good Dr’s the strength, Determination and skill to find a cure to save our babies!)
Lisa Adams (Eden's Mom)
I'm so glad you got to make it to your Valentine's Day Party!I have a package to put in the mail for you just as soon as I know where you'll be for a while!
I wish Christi felt as good as she looks because she looks fabulous! Sending hope and prayers that this trip to CHOP will bring some answers and much needed and deserved comfort to your little angel and the rest of the family.
Yes! I'm so glad you could make it to the party, but you being in so much pain makes me really sad. I hope the pain will go away when you get to CHOP. And by the way, I love that hat! You look so cute in it! (but then again, you are always a cutie) Keep that beautiful smile coming, you brighten my day!
- Nathalie
May God bless you and keep Christi pain free.....
Our prayers are for you as you travel.
It pains my heart thinking of Christi in so much pain and you as her parents - of the pain you must be feeling.
Holding the hope and sending prayers for comfort.
Eliza, SF
love to you all this Valentine's Day from your "internet family" and prayers as always...God Bless you Thomas Family in this heartwrenching journey...
I'm glad Christi got to pass out her Valentines even if it was rough. She would have been so disappointed. I hope that CHOP gets her feeling comfortable again. My heart breaks for your family. Many many prayers.
((Christi is looking super cute in that pink hat!))
Happy Valentine's Day to the whole Thomas Team!
Blessings to each one of you...Oh how I wish I could make this all better!
Celebrate love on this day... each moment of it is a gift...
Lynette Haines
prayers and strength and love.
Dear Thomas Family,
I am so sorry learn that things have been so hard. I am so relieved to learn that Christi is on dilaudid now. Is it a drip infusion? That works the best, even if the need is only temporary, and I highly recommend it. That also allows for her to control a bolus dose when she needs it.
I am also glad to hear that she went to school to give out her valentines. As you describe it, her friends may have been troubled to see Christi in obvious pain and feeling weak. But those kids will be fine. It is their honor to be part of Christi's life, and Christi's life includes a lot of hardship and pain. My experience with the children who know and love our Simon is that they were fully able to accept him no matter what was going on. And they ask good questions to help themselves understand. They still ask. I still answer.
I will be thinking of you all and wishing you safe, gentle landings in Philly and at CHOP. I know you are in good hands there.
With love,
Hi Thomas Family,
So sorry to hear the latest! I'm here crying my eyes out. This is so very sad! I wish she would not have to go though this. Hope they can make her comfy. your in my prayers. Happy Valentines to a sweet family.
We were all very glad to see you this morning!! Hope to see you and Christi back at school soon!
Thomas team,
We are praying for you very often it saddens me to hear how awful your beautiful ballerina is feeling. I am praying that they get this figured out very soon.
Take Care and God Bless,
My heart aches that Christi feels so horrible!
Hope she is more comfortable at this very moment!
I am glad that she was able to pass out her valentines to her classmates today.
I had some family and church friends sign some valentines for each of the girls. If they did not arrive today, I hope they arrive in the next day or two.
May your Valentines Day be a blessed one!
Lynda Schrader
We are praying without ceasing in Washington for all of you. Lord have mercy on all of the Thomas Team.
Hi- I've been following your story for a week or so now. I think I found your website through Kody's website but I'm not sure. You are an amazing family and you have amazing girls! I just wanted to let you know that I am keeping you in my constant thoughts and prayers. Lynn Perry
You are my hero. Happy V-Day.
Love, Kody
You are my hero too and a really good sister. Happy V-Day to you too and Happy Birthday too!!
LOve, Kody
Wow!... i have been reading on christi for a while now and let me tell you, you have two extrordinary little girls! I am a Sophomore in high school and i dont think i am strong enough to go through half the stuff you two have gone through.. wishing you a happy valentines day! i pray for you all!
I'm sorry I haven't been in touch but we've been following your blog entries faithfully. We're praying hard for Christi. A kind friend wrote the following in a note to Tom and me - I hope it brings you the comfort it brought me:
"I am reminded that Jesus hates the sin and evil that spoil his perfect creation, but looks with mercy and compassion on those who suffer as a result."
We are praying for healing and peace for Christi and for all of you.
Tom & Susan
godspeed. i pray for a safe journey for you all
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